Kawasaki Atlas Copco

The Role:

I. Broad Function

Your mission is to expand Atlas Copco presence and business growth in the area of responsibility, you will be required to:


To be recognized as the number one service organization in the compressed air industry


To deliver reliable and innovative compressed air services with the aim to maintain and increase our customers productivity

(Customer oriented) Strategy

-Increase Customer Productivity

・Well maintained compressed air installations with increased reliability

・Guaranteed maximum uptime through fast and professional service response

-Reduce Total Operating Cost

・Energy savings through optimizing the efficiency of the complete compressed air installation

・Service Plan agreements to ensure optimal compressor operations

II. Principal Responsibilities

Safety First


-To manage the business activities of your team or yourself

-To follow the activity goals of all organizations to which you belong (your department, section and team, and more)

Technical Support (for Maintenance/Repair/Start & Commissioning/Inspection/Investigation)

-The purpose is to guarantee maximum efficiency, minimum downtime, and energy saving of customers' compressed air installation and ancillary equipment

-To take active part in service products development and strive to ensure that those service products have the highest level of maintainability and the lowest life cycle cost

-To provide accurate and up-to-date service information for compressed air installation and ancillary equipment provided by the product company or confirmed in the customer center to your division

-To plan and execute technical training in your department in cooperation with your supervisor and colleagues


-External: To provide a clear explanation of the results of the work carried out by your department and the submission of a clear report in a timely manner.

-Internal: To provide a timely and accurate business activity report (about cost (labour hours input / expense), repair cases, and others such as daily report to superiors) for carrying out accurate business activities by your division

-Promptly and accurately report to product companies for continuous product quality improvement


-Promptly and accurately report to product companies for continuous product quality improvement

Learning/ Acquisition

-To acquire skills and knowledge for yourself and your department to provide high-quality and highly reliable services

-General education

-Compressed air installation and ancillary equipment

-The ability of negotiation as a represent of your section (or department)

-To learn to manage your section and to be able to participate in the management of your department or division

-Human resource development (Competence development /Leadership / Coaching)

-Structures and rules of company

-Goals / Policies of the organizations (division /business area / company / group) to which you belong (not just department)

-Key performance indicators (especially matters related to your department)

-In addition, learning to be able to contribute to the construction and development of not only your department but also the organizations to which you belong


-To collaborate actively with people around yourself to provide high-quality and highly reliable services to the customers

-To support for superiors, colleagues, and juniors in all organizations to which you belong

III. Educational requirements

・College level education in technical/engineering or equivalent background.

IV.Experience requirements

・Preferably solid technical experience of air compressors, pump, turbo equipment and/or the ancillary equipment.

・Experience in the technical problem solving and training for FSEs.


・Languages: excellent Japanese to communicate with Japanese FSEs and customers, communicative English or prepared to learn.

・Good knowledge of Microsoft programs (Word, Power Point, Excel), and ability to learn other necessary software.

VI.Personality requirements

・Good interpersonal and communication skills, tolerant and assertive.

・Structured, good planning and organizing ability

・Ability to build strong and effective work relationship with customers and colleagues.

・Willing and able to coordinate tasks with other teams in CTS.

・Proactive and positive attitude is required for supporting highly motivated team and helps generating new ideas for further improvement.

・Willing to travel across Japan and to stay away home when necessary.

・Able to finish projects and requirement in a timely manner.

・Team player

City: Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prf.

Recruiter: Seiko Suzuki/ HR Manager

Hijiri Ikeda/ Hiring Manager

  • Tokyo LRN Corporation フルタイム

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  • Shinagawa Microsoft フルタイム

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  • Shinagawa Microsoft フルタイム

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  • Tokyo Philips フルタイム

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  • Koto City Rapyuta Robotics

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  • Tokyo Siemens Healthcare K.K. Permanent

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  • Tokyo Autodesk Full time

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  • Tokyo Microsoft Corporation Paid Work

    Microsoft 365 サポート チームは、Microsoft 365 全体のサービスを対応するサポート チームです。企業様や教育機関様、パートナー様など幅広いお客様からのお問い合わせを担当しております。 · 当チームでは、お客様のお問い合わせを対応するエンジニア(Tier1)と共に、日本のお客様に耳を傾け、サーバー エンジニアなどと協業しながら一緒に問題解決を行い、製品の品質向上にもつなげていく、サポート エスカレーション チーム(Tier3)です。 · 担当は、主に製品や技術分野で役割分担されており、今回のポジションについては、以下の製品、サービ ...