Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term career goals. See our full promise and approach by visiting https://ud-

【Basic Information】

Client ID: 118000

Job ID: 1780

Company: Synspective

Position: コーポレートストラテジスト

Department: Management Strategy Office

Location: Tokyo

Salary: 5M - 8M JPY

Language: Japanese (Native) , English (Business)

Contract type: Permanent

Who we are




  • English here We are a solution provider with its own SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite constellation. It constructs and operates a constellation through the development and operation of small SAR satellites, generating and providing data. Using proprietary data analysis capabilities, Synspective offers data-driven solutions to various global challenges. The main business activities include the operation of a satellite constellation through the development, manufacturing, and launch of small SAR satellites and related systems. This encompasses the sale of acquired data and the development and sale of data analysis solutions.

Roles and Responsibility




  • 競合やマーケットの調査
  • 全社横断の課題抽出および改善プロジェクトの立案・実行
  • 事業計画の策定支援
  • 官公庁とのプロジェクト獲得やその実行マネジメント




  • English This department is responsible for developing and executing long-term business and organizational growth plans, as well as formulating corporate strategies and overall business plans. It collaborates with various operational departments to gather insights, facilitate communication, and address challenges. Additionally, it shares the vision of the management team with department heads and managers, providing support for decision-making and execution in operational activities. You will be entrusted with strategic initiatives critical for the company's growth, ranging from information gathering necessary for mid-to-long-term growth strategies to strategic planning and implementation of cross-functional projects of high importance across the entire organization. [Specifically, you will be responsible for:]
    • Conducting research on competitors and market trends
    • Identifying and addressing cross-functional challenges and leading improvement projects
    • Supporting the development of business plans
    • Managing projects with government agencies and overseeing their execution
    Scope of long-term role changes: Within the strategic planning department Attractions of the Position
    • Close collaboration with top management and department heads
    • High level of autonomy (opportunity to take initiative in various areas)
    • Contribution to the long-term growth of the entire company
    • Exposure to cutting-edge information in the space industry

Minimum Requirements

  • コンサルティング業務あるいはプロジェクトマネジメントに従事した経験
  • リサーチおよびデータ分析、資料作成能力
  • 新しいテクノロジーを学ぶ意欲が大いにある方
  • ネイティブレベルの日本語力
  • English
    • Experience in consulting or project management
    • Research, data analysis, and document creation skills
    • Strong willingness to learn new technologies
    • Native-level proficiency in Japanese

Preferred Requirements

  • 3年以上の事業企画あるいは経営企画業務に従事した経験
  • パートナー企業との折衝・調整・契約経験
  • 官庁/自治体との折衝・調整・入札案件の対応経験
  • ビジネスレベルの英語力
  • English
    • Experience in business planning or management planning for 3 years or more
    • Experience in negotiation, coordination, and contract management with partner companies
    • Experience in negotiation, coordination, and handling of bidding projects with government agencies/local authorities
    • Business-level proficiency in English

Conditions / Benefits

Employment system: Permanent

Location: Kiyosumi Shirakawa, Tokyo, Japan

Annual Salary: 5,000,000 - 8,000,000 JPY

  • Based on experience, ability, and previous work experience
  • Personnel evaluation system every 6 months

Hours: Flextime system

  • Core time from 11:00 - 15:00
  • 2 days off a week (weekends) including Japanese public holidays
  • 10 days of paid time leave granted first year with an increment of 1 day every following year (ex. 11 days in the second year) up to a maximum in accordance with Japans labor laws.

Probation: 3 months


  • Language learning support (Up to 30,000 yen /month)
  • Employee stock option
  • Job-related learning expenses covered
  • Side business allowed
  • Social insurance and annual medical check
  • Maternity and childcare leave
  • No dress code
  • No smoking on the premises (outdoor or indoor smoking areas available)

Interview Process

  1. Application Screening
  2. 1st Interview
  3. 2nd Interview
  4. 3rd Interview
  5. Offer

This process is subject to change.

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN フルタイム

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    UNLOCK DESIGN is a recruiting agency in Japan that works with many Japanese companies who are either looking to begin expanding overseas or who are already global and boast multinational teams - this position is for one such company. · 【Basic Information】 · Client ID: 125000 · Jo ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN フルタイム

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN フルタイム

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...