Shinagawa ABB Full time

Technical Sales Specialist, PA

At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions.


This position reports to

Local Division Manager

Your role and responsibilities

Mission Sell dedicated products (L&W, KPM and other digital solution) within the Japan domestic pulp, paper and the related industry in accordance with the local product group strategy. Develop and maintain new sales opportunities and customer relationships and manage resolution to specific customer problems. Collaborate with team and channel partner to manage aftersales and trouble shooting. Close collaboration with engineers in team to do smooth project handover and maintain installbase in Japan. During site work support and/or observation, whole accountability of health safety and environment management in accordance with ABB policy. Collaborate with feeder factory located in oversea and shall handle L&W, KPM and other digital solution. Role 1. Volume and Profit Sells products and systems to customers, focusing on volume, profit, mix and profitability targets for the Local Sales Unit and BU. He/she is expected to deliver committed sales target within certain period with his/her sales experience, capability and collaboration with channel partner. 2. Customer Relations Expand and maintains effective customer relationships (from technical to administrative functions) to understand customer needs, promote customer understanding of full product offering, and align to provide a solution. Ensures a positive customer experience throughout the sales process, including post-sale. 3. Managing whole sales value chain Handle from customer development including product/solution presentation, negotiation with procurement including technical clarification with feeder factory and JPABB enginee. - Plan marketing and sales activities and visit customer 2-3day per week. - Make paper and documentation to domestic conference and industry magazine. - Build and continue good relationship with channel partner for specific product to have smooth sales activity, to secure key opportunity and handling. - Prepare project pipeline and report using SFDC and performs regular status, reviews and proposes recovery plan. - Ensures that the project follows execution best practices and ABB HSE policies. Effectively monitors and controls project progress and efficient resource utilization. Identifies, qualifies, quantifies and handling project risks, and ensures that all opportunities are identified and pursued. 4. Marketing - Ensures efficient marketing communication to external customers (both current and prospects) and communicates the value proposition of the offer to the end customers. - Find out customer needs, consult their issues and provide newly developed solution to customer to realize customer's improved profit. 5. New Market Opportunities - Contributes to the development of new business opportunities in sinter application and/or digitalization in conjunction with a Local Sales Unit Manager for entering into the new application or new market segment in order to the next growth. 6. Administration - Manages administrative procedures in sales processes, and supports collection and project management activities when needed. 7. Collaboration - Collaborate among own team member and also channel partner , feeder factory in order to deliver maximum sales result for his team and others.

Qualifications for the role

  • Work experience and knowledge
  •  Understanding on importance of Integrity, Health, Safety and Environment
  •  At least 3 years experiences of technical sales and/or site engineer in the industrial area
  •  Knowledge of documentation and drawing related to electrical
  •  Basic knowledge of documentation and drawing related to mechanical
  •  Capability of pressure self-management and leadership
  •  Young candidate (Mid of 30 or younger) is preferred
  •  Market and products specific knowledge (preferred)
  • Basic knowledge of pulp and paper industry
  • Basic knowledge of Marketing and Sales
  • Technical Background (Material science/Electrical/Mechanical preferred)
  • Skills
  •  Native Japanese
  •  English proficiency both in written and oral
  •  Japanese driver license
  • Education
  •  Bachelor, or Master degree (Material science, pulp and paper background is preferable)

More about us

We value people from different backgrounds. Apply today for your next career step within ABB and visit to learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe.

Publication ID: JP _E1

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