Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term career goals. See our full promise and approach by visiting https://ud-

【Basic Information】

Client ID: 125000

Job ID: 2278

Company: freee

Position: Webアプリケーションエンジニア(freee福利厚生)

Location: Tokyo

Salary: 4M ~ 8M JPY

Language: Fluent Japanese

Contract type: Permanent

Who we are




  • English here At freee, our mission is to "Empower small businesses to be the main players in the world." We aim to achieve this by developing and providing services that create a platform where anyone with ideas, passion, and skills can nurture their business to be stronger and smarter. freee embarked on its journey with cloud accounting and has always had a milestone in mind since its inception in to create an "AI CFO." The idea is to use technology to automate routine tasks, provide real-time visibility into business operations, and support data-driven decision-making and management actions. By doing so, small businesses can become more creative and robust. The goal is to empower small businesses with technology and leverage it as a lever. This vision is rooted in the hypothesis and passion that drove the founding of freee - the belief that all sorts of business operations, including accounting and HR, can be digitized and automated. It extends to realizing smart lending services through API integration with government and banks, expanding new business opportunities online, and leveraging the vast real-time data accumulated by companies to bring about transformation in small businesses. This transformation is made possible by the freee platform.

Roles and Responsibility


プロダクトも開発チームもかなり初期のフェーズで規模も小さくチャレンジングな状況にあります。当募集では、プロダクト規模の拡大、技術課題 / 組織課題の解消を含めてトータルにチームをリードして頂ける方を募集しています


  • freee福利厚生の機能開発
  • 機能の企画・設計・実装・テスト・計測・改善
  • 新規技術、コア技術に関する研究開発・調査
  • PdM, UX とユーザーインタビュー、データサイエンティストと消込推測のアルゴリズム改善など
  • freee福利厚生の継続的運用に必要な開発
    • CI/CD
    • 運用インフラ(AWS等)
    • リファクタリング
    • パフォーマンスチューニング
    • 不具合調査/修正
    • 障害対応





それを踏まえて、提供できる環境 / 一方で提供できない環境 を以下に示します。


  • 初期フェーズのプロダクトを大きくしていく経験の提供
    • freeeの中でも初期フェーズのプロダクトに携わる機会は、相対的に少なくなってきています
    • freeeの技術的資産を利用した高速なプロダクト開発により、プロダクトを成長していきましょう
  • 顧客にとっての価値仮説の立案、プロダクト開発を通した仮説検証サイクルの実践の経験
    • アジャイルな開発プロセスを基本として、仮説を立てて検証していくサイクルを高速で回し、最終的な顧客に届く価値総量を最大化させていきたいと考えています
  • まだまだ小さいプロダクトですが、小さいからこそ小回りが効いてさまざまなチャレンジの機会を作ることができる環境
    • 小さいからこそ、仮説検証サイクルも高速に回すことができると考えています
    • もちろん技術的チャレンジも含みます
  • freeeにおけるエンジニアの役割 PdL (Product Lead) / EM (Engineering Manager) としての経験を積む経験の提供
    • プロダクトマネージャやプロダクトデザイナーとの協働とエンジニアチームをリードを期待値としています
    • 中でもPdL / EMの役割として求められるアクションの実践 / 経験を得られるよう環境を作っていきます
    • PdL / EMの役割については freee Tech Night「進む道は自分で拓け、目指せドリームチーム」でも解説されているので、興味があればご覧ください


  • 大規模なプロダクト開発特有の難易度のある開発経験
    • 前述している通り小さいプロダクトですので、大規模プロダクト特有の開発の難しさを感じるタイミングは多くはないと考えます
    • そういった環境での経験をご期待頂いている方は、freee内の他の求人がある可能性がございますのでご覧ください
  • 複数のプロダクトから利用されるような基盤の開発
    • 当求人では、認証基盤や課金基盤などのfreee社内の複数プロダクトから利用される基盤の開発という機会は提供できない可能性が高いです
    • むしろそれを利用してアプリケーション開発を進めていく予定です
  • English here This position at "freee福利厚生" offers an opportunity to efficiently introduce the "借上社宅制度" for small and medium-sized enterprises, aimed at enhancing employee engagement through comprehensive services. Job Responsibilities:
    • Development of features for freee福利厚生
    • Planning, design, implementation, testing, measurement, and improvement of functionalities
    • Research and development related to new technologies and core technologies
    • Collaboration with Product Managers (PdM), UX for user interviews, and algorithm improvements with data scientists
    • Continuous development necessary for the operation of freee福利厚生, including CI/CD, operational infrastructure (AWS, etc.), refactoring, performance tuning, bug investigation/fixing, and incident response
    Benefits of Working in This Role:
    • Opportunity to significantly expand an early-stage product
    • Involvement in early-stage product development within freee, which is relatively rare
    • Utilization of freee's technical assets for rapid product development and growth
    • Practical experience in hypothesis formulation for customer value propositions and verification cycles through product development
    • Emphasis on Agile development processes to hypothesize, verify, and maximize the total value delivered to customers
    • Environment conducive to making various challenges due to the small size of the product, enabling rapid hypothesis testing cycles and technical challenges
    • Opportunity to gain experience as a Product Lead (PdL) or Engineering Manager (EM) at freee, leading engineering teams in collaboration with product managers and designers
    • Development of skills and experience required for actions expected in PdL/EM roles, supported by the environment created for this purpose
    Unavailable Opportunities:
    • Experience in large-scale product development with inherent complexities
    • Development challenges specific to large-scale products are less likely due to the small-scale nature of the product
    • For those seeking such experiences, other job listings within freee may be more suitable
    • Development opportunities for infrastructure used by multiple products within freee, such as authentication or billing platforms, are unlikely to be provided
    • Instead, the focus is on advancing application development using these platforms
    This position provides a dynamic environment for developing and expanding early-stage products, leveraging technical assets for rapid development, and gaining experience in leadership roles within freee.

Minimum Requirements

  • 自社プロダクト(Webサービス)の開発経験が3年以上ある方
  • 自社のシステム構成や課題を理解している方
  • English here
    • Individuals with over 3 years of experience in developing their own products (web services)
    • Individuals who understand there company's own system architecture and challenges

Preferred Requirements

  • Ruby on RailsによるWebアプリケーションの開発経験
  • ReactによるUIコンポーネントの開発経験
  • Webサービスを設計、開発して運用までした経験
  • 既存のサービスの負債や大きな変更と向き合った経験
  • フィードバックを積極的に行う・真摯に受け止める姿勢
  • いわゆる「アジャイル開発」におけるプロセスやマインドへの理解と実践経験
  • English here
    • Experience in developing web applications with Ruby on Rails
    • Experience in developing UI components with React
    • Experience in designing, developing, and operating web services
    • Experience in addressing technical debt or major changes in existing services
    • Proactive attitude towards giving and earnestly receiving feedback
    • Understanding and practical experience in the process and mindset of Agile development

Who you are

  • 「絶対的な正解」はなく、最適解を探しながらより大きな価値をユーザに届けたいという意思をお持ちの方
  • 職種間の壁を作らず、相互の「実現したいこと」を理解しながら前進させるために建設的な議論ができる方
  • 社内外問わず人の属性における多様性を重んじ、受け入れ流ことができる方
    • 福利厚生制度は、従業員であれば誰でも利用し利益を享受できる制度であるが故に多様性は重要な点と捉えています
  • English here
    • Individuals who prioritize delivering greater value to users by seeking optimal solutions, understanding there is no definitive "right answer."
    • Those who facilitate constructive discussions without creating barriers between job roles, advancing mutual goals by comprehending each other's aspirations.
    • Individuals who value and embrace diversity in people's attributes, both within the company and externally.
    • Our welfare benefits system is designed for all employees to use and benefit from, highlighting the importance of diversity.

Conditions / Benefits

Employment type: Full time

Location: Tokyo Office 20F Art Village Osaki Central Tower, 1-2-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Annual Salary: 4,000,000 - 8,000,000 JPY

*The amount will be determined upon consultation, taking experience and other factors into consideration.

Hours: Specialized discretionary labor system (8 hours work per day)

  • Saturdays, Sundays
  • National holidays
  • Year-end and New Year vacations
  • Congratulation or condolence leave
  • Paid vacations (granted on date of hire)
  • Sick leave (6 days per year as paid leave)

Probation: 3 months



  • Unemployment insurance
  • Workers' accident compensation insurance
  • Employee pension
  • Health insurance

*Other details will be provided at the time of interview.

Interview Process

  1. Document Screening
  2. 1~2 Interviews
  3. Final Interview
  4. Offer

This process is subject to change

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Tokyo UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...