Tokyo PayPay Corporation

About PayPay / PayPayについて

PayPay is a fintech company that has grown to over 63M users since its launch in 2018. Our team is hugely diverse with members from over 50 different countries.



We dare to believe that we do not need a clear vision to create a future beyond our imagination. PayPay will always stay true to our roots and realize a vision (future) that no one else can imagine by constantly taking risks and challenging ourselves. With this mindset, you will be presented with new and exciting opportunities on a daily basis and have the opportunity to grow and reach new dimensions that you could never have imagined. We are looking for people who can embrace this challenge, refresh the product at breakneck speed and promote PayPay with professionalism and passion.


(Ratio of Mid-career hires: 100% in 2020/2021/2022)


Job Description / 業務について

As a Data Analyst in the Product Division, you will make use of the vast amounts of data from over 63 million users and 2.35 million merchants to enhance the PayPay ecosystem, making it more convenient and beneficial. Your data analysis support will aim at increasing the number of users and user engagement that will contribute to PayPay's growth and revenue.


Job Responsibilities / 【具体的な業務内容】

You will be responsible for the following tasks, either individually or as part of a team / 個人またはチームで以下の業務を行います:

  • Support product managers and executives in their decision-making with reliable data analysis / プロダクトマネージャや経営層の意思決定を、正確なデータ分析でサポートします。
  • Promote your own ideas and interesting cases from other companies with data, and propose development/improvements for products and features / 自分のアイデアや気になる他社事例をデータで検証し、プロダクトや機能の開発/改善を提案します。
  • Design and propose product KPIs, providing and maintaining relevant dashboards for monitoring / プロダクトのKPIを設計/提案し、ダッシュボードを作成してモニタリングします。
  • Engage in activities to nurture and grow the newly established product data analyst team (knowledge sharing, setting rules/convention, best practice, workflow, introducing new tools, supporting members, etc.) / 立ち上がったばかりのデータアナリスト組織を成長させる活動(ナレッジシェア、ルール作り、新ツールの導入、メンバーのサポートなど)をしていきます。
  • Collaborate with business planning, marketing, and sales analysts to share analytical knowledge and collaborate on projects. / 事業企画やマーケティング、営業のアナリストと交流し、分析のナレッジ共有やコラボレーションをします。
  • Design and build data warehouses and data marts for your products, making it accessible for others to utilize product data / 担当するプロダクトのデータウエアハウスやデータマートの設計/構築をし、プロダクトデータの活用を、誰にでも簡単にできる様にします。
  • Provide technical leadership and coaching to team members, promoting the overall contribution of the data analyst team to the business / チームメンバーへの技術的なリードやコーチングを通して、データアナリストチーム全体の事業貢献を促進することを期待しています。
  • Tech Environment 】/ 【仕事環境】 - BigQuery, LookerStudio, JupyterLab, GoogleAnalytics, dbt, GitHub

    Qualifications / 必要な経験/スキル

  • Over 5 years of experience in data analysis / データ分析の業務経験(5年以上)
  • Team leadership experience / チームリーダーの経験
  • Proven ability to build trust with diverse stakeholders / 多様なステークホルダーと信頼関係を築いた経験
  • Business-level English proficiency / 英語(ビジネスレベル)
  • Japanese proficiency equivalent to JLPT N2 / 日本語(日本語能力試験N2同等レベル)
  • Preferred Qualifications / あると望ましい経験/スキル

  • Management experience in a data analyst team / アナリスト組織の管理職経験
  • Experience in building new data analysis team/department / データ分析部門の立ち上げ経験
  • Experience in promoting a data-driven culture within a company / データドリブンなカルチャー社内に広めた経験
  • Experience in analyzing large-scale data / 大規模データを用いた分析経験
  • Experience in building data warehouses/data marts / データウェアハウス/データマートの構築経験
  • Insight in understanding business challenges and goals to apply data analysis results to business needs / ビジネス上の課題や目標を理解し、データ分析の結果をビジネスに活かすための洞察力
  • Expertise in statistics (understanding of correlation, causation, various tests, etc.) / 統計学に関する専門的な知識(相関関係・因果関係の理解や各種検定等)
  • Skills in designing, validating, visualizing, and reporting A/B tests / A/Bテストの設計、検証、可視化、レポーティングのスキル
  • PayPay 5 senses / PayPayが求める人物像

  • Please refer PayPay 5 senses to learn what we value at work / PayPay 5 sensesに当てはまる方
  • Working Conditions

    Employment Status

  • Full Time
  • Office Location

  • WFA(Work From Anywhere at Anytime)
  • Remote Job
  • You can live anywhere in Japan
  • Work Hours

  • Super Flex Time (No Core Time)
  • In principle, 10:00am-6:45pm (actual working hours: 7h45m + 1h break)
  • Holidays

  • Every Sat/Sun/National holidays (In Japan)/New Year's break/Company-designated Special days
  • Paid leave

  • Annual leave (up to 14 days in the first year, granted proportionally according to the month of employment. Can be used from the date of hire)
  • Personal leave (5 days each year, granted proportionally according to the month of employment)
    *PayPay's own special paid leave system, which can be used to attend to illnesses, injuries, hospital visits, etc., of the employee, family members, pets, etc...
  • Salary

  • Annual salary paid in 12 installments (monthly)
  • Based on skills, experience, and abilities
  • Reviewed once a year
  • Special Incentive once a year *Based on company performance and individual contribution and evaluation
  • Late overtime allowance, Work from anywhere allowance (JPY100,000)
  • Benefits

  • Social Insurance (health insurance, employee pension, employment insurance and compensation insurance)
  • 401K
  • Language Learning support
  • Translation/Interpretation support
  • VISA sponsor + Relocation support
  • Other Information:

  • PayPay Inside-Out (Corporate Blog) /JP
  • PayPay Inside-out (Corporate Blog) /ENG
  • PayPay Product Blog /JP
  • PayPay Product Blog /ENG
  • 待遇・条件


  • 正社員
  • 勤務地

  • WFA(Work From Anywhere at Anytime)
  • 原則在宅勤務(自宅もしくはサテライトオフィスにてリモートワーク)
  • 全国居住可能
  • 勤務時間

  • スーパーフレックス制(コアタイム無し)
  • 原則:午前10時~午後6時45分(実働7時間45分+休憩時間 1時間)
  • 休日

  • 土日祝日、年末年始および会社指定日
  • 休暇(法定 休暇 および会社 福利厚生)

  • 年次有給休暇(初年度14日間、入社月に応じて按分付与。入社日から使用可)
  • パーソナル休暇(毎年度5日間、(毎年度5日間付与/初年度入社月により3日間もしくは5日間付与)
  • 給与

  • 年俸制(一部固定残業代含む)
  • 経験、スキル、業績、貢献度に応じ当社規定により決定
  • 毎年1回見直し
  • 会社業績および個人貢献度により特別一時金(インセンティブ)を支給(年1回)
  • 時間外勤務手当、深夜勤務手当、在宅勤務手当(年10万円)有
  • ベネフィット

  • 社会保険(健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険)
  • 企業型確定拠出年金制度
  • 語学学習のサポート
  • Other Information:

  • PayPay Inside-Out (Corporate Blog) /JP
  • PayPay Inside-out (Corporate Blog) /ENG
  • PayPay Product Blog /JP
  • PayPay Product Blog /ENG

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