Tokyo Dynatrace Paid Work

Company Description

Dynatrace exists to make the world's software work perfectly. Our unified software intelligence platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with the most advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data at an enormous scale. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. That is why the world's largest organizations trust Dynatrace to accelerate digital transformation.

We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees.

Job Description

As a Senior Customer Success Engineer, you will be responsible for building and maintaining post-sales relationships with Dynatrace's largest, most complex, and most valuable customers. A large percentage of the customers you engage with will be Enterprise customers from a Dynatrace spend perspective as well as some customers that are part of the Enterprise Success & Support program and have a mix of other dynatrace services involved. You will be a trusted strategic advisor, ensuring the successful deployment and adoption of all Dynatrace products. Customers hold CSE's in high regard as experts and rely on you to guide them through ways of obtaining the most outstanding value from their Dynatrace solutions. You will align with customers' desired business outcomes, enable them on their existing products and services, and work with them to identify opportunities to expand into additional products and services, all while ensuring world-class customer experience, value, and satisfaction.

As part of the account team, you will work closely with the entire account team to define the strategic roadmap for your customers, to allow retention, renewal, and expansion of their Dynatrace relationship, and serve as a liaison between the customer and the Dynatrace Support and Product Management teams.

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Constantly go above and beyond to serve our customers and be a shining, standard-setting example of our Core Values
  • Triage, diagnose, and provide solutions to most complex configuration issues with Dynatrace solutions and non-Dynatrace integrations
  • Strategise on the overall technical objectives and long-term goals of the customer and their business and strategic objectives
  • Provide advice and guidance as the subject matter expert to ensure successful ongoing usage, adoption of the product, and foster growth of the customer's footprint
  • Be the customer's advocate by knowing their goals and use cases, then suggesting process improvements, product adoption, configuration, and additional features to meet their requirements
  • Provide web-based training to user groups to support organisational adoption
  • Undertake discovery and education activities to identify opportunities for Dynatrace usage across organisational functions and processes
  • Function as a frontline technical resource for "best practice" and informal customer questions
  • Engage with Dynatrace customer support as a customer advocate to ensure speedy resolution of customer issues
  • Engage with Dynatrace Product management as the customer advocate on product roadmap discussions
  • Participate and prepare for Monthly and Quarterly Business Reviews with customers
  • Maintain current functional and technical knowledge of Dynatrace products and services
  • Help to document best practices in developing and using Dynatrace
  • Provides insight, advice, and 'street credibility' with technical teams to understand technical issues and possible workarounds.
  • Has deep understanding of customers' infrastructure, architecture, and business/regulatory requirements to speed up resolution.


  • Education: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or equivalent work experience
  • Work experience 4+ years of experience
  • Experience working with large enterprise customers, including executive leadership
  • Demonstrated ability in leadership, mentorship, and organizational behavior
  • A track record of going above and beyond for your team and customers
  • Ability to manage executive relationships and discussions (VP/CxO)
  • Must have exceptional English written and verbal communications skills, as well as organisational and teamwork skills, and the ability to act fast and responsibly
  • Impeccable time management skills and an ability to self-direct
  • Demonstrated experience being a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Dynatrace technologies, methodologies, frameworks, and 3rd party technologies related to Dynatrace
  • Willingness to learn new technologies and resolve complex technical issues
  • Professional Level Dynatrace certification (or get certification within six months)
  • Two or more industry-relevant Associate Level certifications (AWS, Azure, k8s, ...)
  • Strong technical understanding and experience in SaaS industry
  • Familiar with one or more of the following technologies related to Dynatrace:
  • Cloud/new stack technologies such as OpenStack, OpenShift, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, SAP, etc.
  • Web and application server technologies such as Apache, IIS, WebSphere, WebLogic, and JBoss
  • Server/Server-side technologies such as Java Servlets, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ajax
  • Mobile application technologies such as iOS and Android Webkit.
  • DevOps toolchain applications such as Ansible, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, etc.
  • CMDB/ITSM Technologies/platforms such as ServiceNow and BMC
  • Must be customer service oriented and believe in teamwork, collaboration, adaptability & Initiative.
  • Demonstrable success in thinking strategically and executing tactically while providing consistent and high customer satisfaction and retention levels in a fast-paced environment.

Additional Information

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  • Tokyo Asurion フルタイム

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  • Tokyo goFLUENT フルタイム

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  • Tokyo Dynatrace Full time

    Job Description · As a Senior Customer Success Engineer, you will be responsible for building and maintaining post-sales relationships with Dynatrace's largest, most complex, and most valuable customers. A large percentage of the customers you engage with will be Enterprise custo ...

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