Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term career goals. See our full promise and approach by visiting https://ud-

【Basic Information】

Client ID: 176000

Job ID: 1945, 1974

Position: バックエンド / リードエンジニア[東京、大阪]

Location: Tokyo, Osaka

Salary: 5M - 8M JPY

Language: Japanese(N1 or equivalent)

Contract type: Permanent

Who We Are


主軸事業のサービスは現在、導入社数は5,000社を超え右肩上がりで増加しています。 けれども、母数400万社を基にした導入率はまだたったの0.1%。 残りの99.9%のお客様は、まだ日々の問い合わせに悩みを抱えているはず。

コミュニケーションはすべての企業で不可欠なもの。 企業によって、人によって、そして時代によって、コミュニケーションの課題は絶えません。 だから私たちの提供するサービスの対象となるお客様は国内400万社のすべての企業。 このサービスを通して問い合わせの課題を解消し、自分たちが本当にやりたい仕事に注力できる。 そんな社会の実現を私たちは本気で目指しています。




We are a venture company based in Osaka, developing and providing B2B cloud services with a focus on communication.

Our core business currently has over 5,000 companies using it and is steadily growing. However, with a potential market of 4 million companies, our adoption rate is only 0.1%. This means 99.9% of potential customers are still struggling with daily inquiries.

Communication is essential for every business. Challenges in communication persist across different companies, individuals, and eras. Therefore, this service aims to address these issues for all 4 million companies in Japan. We are seriously committed to creating a society where businesses can focus on what they truly want to do by resolving their inquiry challenges through this service.

Business Activities:

Development and provision of cloud services
Development and provision of the communication platform which allows personalized interaction with each customer

Roles and Responsibility




技術調査、ライブラリ選定、コンポーネントの I/F や仕様決め







  • 新機能の開発をチームリーダーと協調して推進
  • 他のエンジニアのコードの品質担保(PRレビュー)
  • 後輩エンジニアの教育・評価







  • Ruby/Rails の最新バージョンへの追従
  • カバレッジの向上
  • フロントエンドとの協調をスムーズにするための仕組み化(OPEN APIなどの活用)
  • デプロイ頻度向上に対する取り組み(migrationの仕組み化など)
  • 新規プロダクトの開発
  • 顧客セグメントを更に広げるための新機能開発
  • 定期的な技術発信
  • エンジニアとセールス、サポートとの協調
  • エンジニアから機能を提案できる仕組みづくり(ユーザーヒアリングなど)


  • 機能開発チームを拡大し、より素早いプロダクト開発を目指す
  • 機能開発×3 , SRE , QA , AI , Mobile の7つのチームを作り組織を拡大する


  • ベンチャーだからこそ一人ひとりの役割も大きく、ボードメンバーも近いため自分の意見が反映されやすい環境、提案しやすい文化がある
  • 自社製品のため自分の作った機能が直接カスタマーサクセスにつながることを実感できる
  • Horizontal SaaS のため、様々な業種に対して機能を考える面白みがある
  • 毎月着実に売上を伸ばしており、これからさらに大きくなっていく会社のためそれぞれのフェーズごとに課題やチャレンジがあり、会社の成長と共に自身も成長することができる
  • English In addition to product development focused on new feature development and feature enhancement, you will be responsible for project advancement and team management. Development Related:
    • Implementation, addition of test code, review, verification, and other necessary tasks for product development will be performed comprehensively, not bound by roles.
    Inquiry Handling:
    • Handling inquiries such as specification confirmation, performance degradation, and bug investigation.
    Infrastructure Specification Consideration:
    • Technical surveys, library selection, and determination of component interfaces and specifications.
    Function Specification Consideration:
    • Collaboration with PdM (Product Manager) and designers.
    Development Process:
    • In most cases, we follow an agile development framework based on Scrum. Tasks are assigned based on priorities determined by the product owner. Additionally, regular team retrospectives are conducted to iterate on improvements.
    • Conducting activities such as recruitment and technical surveys to improve services and teams.

    Backend Development Status

    Teams are divided for the development of each primary function of this service. Considering service as a "Horizontal SaaS" to solve communication challenges, each team considers PMF (Product Market Fit) for function addition and improvement based on the industry attributes of their primary functionality.

    Expectations After Joining

    • Drive the development of new features in collaboration with team leaders.
    • Ensure code quality of other engineers through code review.
    • Educate and evaluate junior engineers.

    Recruitment Background

    With the expansion of the company and business, the number of use cases and requests has diversified. Therefore, we are currently restructuring the team system by separating engineers into backend and frontend to improve development speed. However, we still have a small number of teams and are unable to respond to the demands adequately. Therefore, we are looking for excellent backend engineers who can quickly solve various issues related to inquiry handling this service. Below are some examples of what we want to address but have not yet accomplished:

    Backend Area:

    • Keeping up with the latest version of Ruby/Rails.
    • Improving test coverage.
    • Streamlining coordination with the frontend (utilization of OPEN API, etc.).
    • Efforts to increase deployment frequency (such as systematizing migration).

    Entire Development Department:

    • Development of new products.
    • Development of new features to further expand customer segments.
    • Regular technical dissemination.
    • Collaboration between engineers, sales, and support.
    • Creating a mechanism for engineers to propose features (such as user hearings).

    Future Expansion Vision

    • Expand the feature development team to achieve faster product development.
    • Create seven teams including feature development x 3, SRE, QA, AI, and Mobile to expand the organization.

    Attraction of this Position

    • Due to being a venture company, each individual's role is significant, and board members are close, making it easy for one's opinions to be reflected and proposals to be made.
    • As it is our own product, one can directly feel the success of their developed features.
    • Due to Horizontal SaaS, there is excitement in considering features for various industries.
    • The company's revenue is steadily increasing every month, and as it continues to grow, there are challenges and opportunities for growth at each phase, allowing individuals to grow along with the company.

Minimum Requirements

  • チームでシステム開発・運用をした3年以上の実務経験(言語問わず)
  • RDBMS を使ったアプリケーションの実務経験(目安3年)
  • 開発チームリーダ経験(人数規模問わず)
  • 設計からリリースまでの一連の経験
  • English
    • 3 or more years of practical experience in system development and operation within a team (regardless of programming language).
    • Approximately 3 years of practical experience in developing applications using RDBMS.
    • Experience as a development team leader (regardless of team size).
    • Experience in the entire process from design to release.

Preferred Requirements

  • バックエンドフレームワーク(Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Django, Flask など)を用いた開発経験
  • モダンなフロントエンドライブラリ(React, , Angular など)の開発経験
  • テスティングフレームワークを用いたテストコードの実装経験
  • DB チューニングや SQL 最適化などの実務経験
  • 業務システムの開発経験(SIer 出身歓迎)
  • English
    • Experience in developing with backend frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Django, Flask, etc.).
    • Experience in developing with modern frontend libraries (React, , Angular, etc.).
    • Experience in implementing test code using testing frameworks.
    • Practical experience in DB tuning and SQL optimization.
    • Experience in developing business systems (experience in SIer is welcome).

Who You Are

  • 機能やシステムを仕様から開発を行いたい方
  • 時間短縮や効率化の仕組みづくりをするのが好きな方
  • 主担当業務以外でも協力して対応していくチームワークを大切にできる方
  • 積極的に新しい知識や情報を吸収し、発信するのが好きな方
  • チャレンジ精神に溢れ、自身の仕事の可能性・領域を広げていきたい方
  • English
    • Someone who wants to develop features and systems from specifications.
    • Someone who enjoys creating mechanisms for time-saving and efficiency.
    • Someone who values teamwork and is willing to assist in tasks beyond their primary responsibilities.
    • Someone who actively absorbs new knowledge and information and enjoys sharing it.
    • Someone with a spirit of challenge, eager to expand the possibilities and scope of their work.

Tech Stack

Webバックエンド:Ruby, Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Sidekiq, Unicorn

Webフロントエンド:TypeScript, , JavaScript, AngularJS, webpack, Jest


インフラ:AWS(ALB, ECS, Aurora, S3, SQS, Lambda, ElastiCache, OpenSearch など), Terraform


Biz基盤:Google Analytics

リポジトリ管理:GitHub CI/CD:GitHub Actions, AWS CodePipeline

開発環境:Docker, Docker Compose

監視:New Relic

コミュニケーション:Slack, Google Meet


Conditions / Benefits

Employment system: Permanent


[Tokyo Office] Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

[Osaka Office] Osaka-shi, Osaka

Annual Salary: 5,000,000 - 8,000,000 JPY


9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

  • Differential working hours are possible after the probationary period.
  • Remote work is possible once a week.

Holidays and Leave :

Annual holidays: 125 days

  • Two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Public holidays
  • Year-end and New Year holidays
  • Summer vacation
  • Paid annual leave
    • Paid leave can be used in hourly increments

Probation: 3 months


  • Various social insurances
  • Employee stock ownership plan
  • Transportation allowance (up to ¥45,000/month)
  • Subsidies for seminars, workshops, and conference participation fees
  • Reimbursement for the purchase of display stands, keyboards, and mice
  • Reimbursement for book purchases
  • Condolence and celebration allowances
  • Long-term service recognition system
  • Internal recruitment system


Employment insurance, Worker's accident compensation insurance, Health insurance, Welfare pension insurance

Interview Process

Coming soon

This process is subject to change.

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    Welcome to Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, presenting an exciting opportunity with one of our innovative client companies. Our focus is on providing a reliable and respectful experience for candidates while prioritizing their privacy and long-term career objec ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

  • Koto City UNLOCK DESIGN Full time

    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

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    We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term care ...

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