Tokyo Autodesk Full time

Position Overview

Autodesk is a leading global technology company that creates software products and services for the architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, automotive, media and entertainment industries. As we expand our Enterprise Customer Success operations in Asia Pacific, we are looking for an accomplished Business Consultant, proficient in both Japanese and English languages to join our dynamic team You will be based in Japan where Autodesk has a fantastic Tokyo office that can be used. The team enjoy working from this location to maximize opportunities for in-person collaboration. Autodesk has a flexible/hybrid working policy which also supports our people to work remotely from home

You will report directly to the Autodesk Senior Manager of Professional Services for Asia Pacific whom is based in Australia. You will work with Autodesk Japan leadership.

Industry experience either working directly for or delivering consulting services to manufacturing or automotive companies is seen as essential to the application As a Business Consultant, you will work with our clients to develop their digital strategies, define criteria for success, assess current process and project performance, create business value justification for initiatives, and prepare to implement solutions that produce meaningful business results. We ask that you have a focus on:

  • You will work with our customers as a trusted advisor for their Business strategy
  • Technology solution definition
  • Technology implementation and change management approaches
  • Commercial proposal development
  • Create and maintain high value client relationships based on your ability to solve their business challenges
  • Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with our clients to understand their business objectives and challenges.
  • Counsel clients on their strategic transformation and innovation initiatives.
  • Conduct analysis of client needs and industry trends to develop digital solutions.
  • Use solution selling techniques to position and promote the value proposition of our solutions.
  • Lead digital transformation initiatives, applying Autodesk technologies to lead efficiency and growth.
  • Be a trusted advisor, building professional relationships with important client stakeholders.
  • Demonstrate competence in strategic thinking and planning, communications, and leading boldly for results
  • Minimum Qualifications

  • Relevant bachelor's degree or related education from an applicable area.
  • Must have at least 10 years of hands-on experience in or with manufacturing and/or automotive industries.
  • Must have at least 3 years of experience working on business improvement projects that require the implementation of digital solutions.
  • Travelling to meet with customers and Autodesk events is required and estimated to be 30% of the time
  • #LI-JA1

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    About Autodesk
    Welcome to Autodesk Amazing things are created every day with our software – from the greenest buildings and cleanest cars to the smartest factories and biggest hit movies. We help innovators turn their ideas into reality, transforming not only how things are made, but what can be made.

    We take great pride in our culture here at Autodesk – our Culture Code is at the core of everything we do. Our values and ways of working help our people thrive and realize their potential, which leads to even better outcomes for our customers.

    When you're an Autodesker, you can be your whole, authentic self and do meaningful work that helps build a better future for all. Ready to shape the world and your future? Join us

    Salary transparency

    Salary is one part of Autodesk's competitive compensation package. Offers are based on the candidate's experience and geographic location. In addition to base salaries, we also have a significant emphasis on discretionary annual cash bonuses, commissions for sales roles, stock or long-term incentive cash grants, and a comprehensive benefits package.

    Diversity & Belonging
    We take pride in cultivating a culture of belonging and an equitable workplace where everyone can thrive. Learn more here:

    Are you an existing contractor or consultant with Autodesk?

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