Kodaira Renesas Electronics Full time
Job Description

The person will have a high visible role in fueling the growth of Renesas fast-growing line of SoC and software products for automotive applications. Success requires a clear understanding of overall embedded automotive systems, and deep knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and neural networks as well as computer vision, image, radar and Lidar processing in an automotive environment.

To solidify Renesas's position in embedded ADAS application, the Sr. reference application engineer will have critical contribution to customer satisfaction by providing ease to use solution that supports quick launch of their product.

The successful candidate must have strong self-motivation and sense of initiative, excellent interpersonal skills, and be able to work in a truly global environment across various functional organizations such as Applications Engineering, Software development, Design Engineering, Product Marketing, and Sales. He must contribute actively to the transformational changes that bring the best out of a multicultural workforce.

  • Lead development and definition of advanced ADAS reference application (Surround View, Vision computing, Image quality enhancement w/ ISP, and HW accelerator) use cases leveraging Renesas's SoC and software infrastructure.
  • Initiate and coordinate the development of reference application and guide document, and the maturity improvement activity of our ADAS SoC platform.
  • Enhance capabilities by extending the support of reference application, HW accelerate usecase, and Vision computing.
  • Providing support to our customers as application engineer to accelerate development of customer solution and to create ease to use solution like application note.
  • Work closely with hardware and software product development organization to validate performance of SoC and optimize various benchmark and reference application and power consumption.
  • Collaborate with sales, automotive product line marketing and applications engineers to generate winning reference software stacks & application demos needed to establish clear dominance through best-in-class overall whole product.
  • Work closely with the marketing, applications, and field sales/FAE teams of other Renesas Electronics' business units to successfully define innovative ADAS solutions and work with a cross-functional team to coordinate product promotion and demand creation within specific regions.
  • Providing support to field teams as needed to generate opportunities and facilitate design-ins.
  • Stay abreast of latest technology trends in the field of ADAS solutions; develop recommendations and competitive feature set to keep the hardware and software product at the cutting edge and best-in-class through continuous improvement.
  • Support Director of automotive product line and interact with other group managers to ensure successful deployment of strategic initiatives.

*The full details regarding your position scope as well as any future potential changes in work location and job scope will be provided during the interview process.

  • 10+ years industry experience in embedded system development.
  • Strong, hands-on knowledge of neural networks frameworks like TensorFlow or Pytorch, Machine Learning algorithms and automotive operating systems (Linux, QNX) software development environments.
  • Embedded system software design experience including low-level firmware, kernel and user-space components. Software debugging
  • Systems architecture experience for heterogeneous / multi-core computing platforms consisting of ARMs, GPUs, and specialized AI, image processing hardware accelerators in embedded SoC systems.
  • Some travel required regionally and worldwide to engage with customers (Tier1 and OEMs) to drive software product engagement, understand system level issues and deliver continuous improvement.
  • Has a hands-on mentality to drive different topics pro-actively.
  • Strong analytical skills and have a winning mentality.
  • Strives for continual improvement in all aspects of work including policies and methodology.
  • Strong leadership skills with an ability to foster a commercial, collaborative and learning environment.
  • Collaborating with senior leadership to develop team objectives in accordance with wider company strategy.
  • Cross cultural awareness and sensitivity.
  • Results-oriented and able to deliver on-time under tight schedule pressure.
  • Ability to work both independently and part of a team.
  • Flexible to undertake occasional international travel at short notice.
  • Excellent command of verbal and written English.
  • Ability to propose innovative solutions.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills
  • Excellent command of verbal and written Japanese.
Additional Information

ルネサスは「人々の暮らしを楽(ラク)にする」技術で持続可能な将来を築いていく日本を代表する半導体企業です。自動運転やIoTなど多様な分野において、先進的な製品やソリューションを提供しています。当社の製品は、世界中の主要な電子機器メーカーに採用され、日々の暮らしに欠かせない身の回りのあらゆる電子機器に使用されています。 当社では世界25カ国の製造・開発・販売拠点において20,000人以上の従業員が働いています。グローバルチームとして、すべての従業員が、行動指針である「Renesas Culture」をもとに、互いに学習、協力、成長、目標に向けて前進しながら、日々さまざまな課題解決に取り組んでいます。 当社を取り巻く環境は近年の活発な大型M&Aを含めて、他に類を見ないほどダイナミックに動いています。今後もインフラやデータエコノミー関連の急成長市場でのシェア拡大や、産業/IoTや自動車分野でのプレゼンス強化を図ります。変化の激しい中、グローバルチームの一員として、私たちと一緒に持続可能な将来を築いていただける方をお待ちしています。

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