Tokyo ITL Japan
Job Description
In the role of Engineering Lead, you will be responsible for –

Program Delivery:
Responsible for design and development of Automotive lighting headlamp & rear lamp components.
Ability to work on all the Exterior Lighting functions.

Good knowledge of Plastic Injection molding component design & manufacturing processWorking knowledge of Concept design creation includes design feasibility studies.

Providing solutions for Packaging & Functional aspects of the componentsWork with mechanical design through release to address any issues.
Provide technical support to Manufacturing, Quality Engineering and Tooling Engineering.
Provide technical resource to VA/VE initiatives.
Good working Knowledge and hands on experience in Catia V5.Knowledge on Global Legal requirements.
Pre-Sales SupportPursuit management for new proposals for the ClientCollaborate with Service Lines (Infosys) to develop client specific solution.
Required4 to 10 yrs consistent experience on Automotive lighting design.

Good Japanese bilingual knowledge with N2 level in addition to EnglishProven experience of Supporting multiple programsExperience of working alongside Multiple departmentsGood in team management abilitiesPreferredExcellent verbal and written Japanese communication skills.

Strong analytical and networking skillsExperience in Automotive industry is added advantage.
Experience in Lighting domain is added advantage.
Agile experience is added advantage.
Ability to identify opportunities and support sales team in growth.
PersonalBesides the professional qualifications of the candidates, we place great importance in addition to various forms personality profile.

These include:

A high degree of initiative and flexibilityHigh customer orientation Infosys is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, spouse of protected veteran, or disability.

At Infosys, we recognize that everyone has individual requirements.

If you are a person with disability, illness or injury and require adjustments to the recruitment and selection process, please contact our Recruitment team for adjustment only on or include your preferred method of communication in email and someone will be in touch.

Please note in order to protect the interest of all parties involved in the recruitment process, Infosys does not accept any unsolicited resumes from third party vendors.

In the absence of a signed agreement, any submission will be deemed as non-binding and Infosys explicitly reserves the right to pursue and hire the submitted profile.

All recruitment activity must be coordinated through the Talent Acquisition department."All aspects of employment at Infosys are based on merit, competence and performance.

We are committed to embracing diversity and creating an inclusive environment for all employees. Infosys is proud to be an equal opportunity employer."

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  • Tokyo Avanade

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