Musashino Degica Full time


KOMOJU (by Degica) is the leading cross-border payment gateway for Japan. We power payments for companies like video game distribution platform Steam and the popular mobile app TikTok. Today we help thousands of merchants by providing them with the payment infrastructure they need through developer-friendly API's to integrations on popular platforms like Shopify and Wix; we help our merchants grow in all markets they are expanding.

About the position

Both our KOMOJU application and engineering teams are growing rapidly, and we need a UI that can do likewise. We are looking for engineers skilled in frontend development to help us build a UI layer that brings as good of an experience to our developers as it does to our end users. As our customer base and offerings expands, you will help us build a platform that can handle payments on a global scale.

Our current application is built mainly in , but we are looking for engineers with a strong foundation in the fundamentals (JS, S/CSS, HTML) and growth-mindset who can contribute regardless of frontend framework. We have a need for individuals who are passionate about making a great visual and interactive experience for end users as well as for those who know how to design great APIs and front end workflows for other developers.

Our ideal candidate has experience working with large legacy web applications and bringing them up-to-date. They will know how to build reliable, performant components that contribute to high-velocity, scalable frontend development, while also being able to make tradeoffs when needed and effectively communicate risk to our product stakeholders.


  • Deliver reliable frontend pages and components in a fast-paced environment
  • Support teams through code review, developer surveys, and outreach
  • Write tests that validate the stability and correctness of implementations
  • Reduce tech debt and be able to plan for the long term—our engineers will have to live with the systems we create for some time.
  • Know how to get things done independently, but be able to work within a team to develop strategy and level up your colleagues on all things frontend


  • 3+ years of professional experience with of modern SPA frameworks is a plus, but not a requirement)
  • Experience with building pages that look good and perform well at any screen size from only written product specs or low-fidelity mockups
  • Comfortable with troubleshooting and debugging throughout the whole stack
  • Good communicator with experience in product development in remote/asynchronous communication environments

Nice to Haves

These aren't required, but be sure to mention them in your application if you have them.

  • Experience with Typescript
  • Knowledge of functional programming paradigms
  • Experience with Playwright/Storybook/BrowserStack or similar
  • Experience with Ruby on Rails and Capybara integration testing
  • Experience with multi-lingual applications (i18n)
  • Experience with accessibility (a11y)
  • Experience with observability (o11y)
  • Experience creating open source or npm distributed libraries


  • At Degica, we embrace remote work while also offering office space for those who prefer in-person collaboration
  • 10 days regular vacation, additional 5 days summer and 5 days winter vacation
  • Paid birthday holiday
  • Budget for self-learning allowance, to ensure our employees' skills remain current
  • Language training for Japanese

  • Frontend Engineer


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