Product Manager


Tokyo Rakuten Full time


Department Overview

Rakuten Travel is a prominent online travel service provider in Japan, dedicated to ensuring people's happiness through travel experiences. Since its establishment in 1996, the company has consistently been at the forefront of the industry, challenging conventions and fostering innovation. With a growing vision to expand globally as an innovative company, Rakuten Travel aims to become a leading global travel reservation service. The Travel Development Department (TDD) within the Commerce & Marketing Company plays a pivotal role in overseeing all aspects of Rakuten Travel's development and operations. Their key focus areas include:

  • Globalizing Rakuten Travel to compete in international markets
  • Creating new value and experiences in the Japanese market, a strong ecosystem for Rakuten

We are looking for individuals who share our vision and values. By joining Rakuten Travel, you will have the opportunity to introduce innovative travel solutions worldwide and contribute to shaping the future of the travel industry. Your passion and creativity will bring new perspectives to the industry, opening up endless possibilities. We are excited to receive your application and potentially have you join our diverse team to take on new challenges together.


Why We Hire

Our goal is to become the leading online reservation service in Asia, and we are seeking proactive individuals to drive our growth. In this role, you will collaborate with various teams including sales, marketing, customer success, and development to enhance our product offerings and deliver exceptional services to users and partners. Additionally, this position involves analyzing user behavior data, voice of the customer (VOC)/Net Promoter Score (NPS), competitor insights, and market trends to develop product strategies that elevate our travel services.

Position Details

As the service owner, the ideal candidate will strive to deliver outstanding value to customers and partners with enthusiasm. They should have a holistic view of the business, adaptability, and the ability to respond effectively in any situation.

  • Identify customer or partner needs by conducting thorough research and data analysis
  • Define product requirements and propose optimal solutions with detailed documents
  • Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and communicate progress to stakeholders
  • Facilitate collaborative meetings with teams, groups, and partners during product development
  • Develop product visions and roadmaps aligned with the long-term strategy of the travel business

Mandatory Qualifications:

  • Deep technical expertise
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Experience in project planning and documentation
  • Proficiency in analyzing customer and operational data
  • Ability to design user stories and customer journeys
  • Effective stakeholder management
  • Fluency in English

Desired Qualifications:

  • BSc/BA in Computer Science, Engineering, or relevant field
  • Project management experience
  • Proven track record in E-commerce product management
  • Understanding of the travel and hospitality industry
  • Experience in product evangelism


English (Overall - 3 - Advanced), Japanese (Overall - 3 - Advanced)

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