Shibuya Koala Full time

We are looking for a

Performance Marketing Manager to lead our performance marketing channels in Koala Japan. This role will primarily consist of media buying via Meta Ads Manager, Google Ads, and other programmatic media buying channels.


What key responsibilities does this role have @ Koala?

  • Hands on execution & management & media buying on Paid Search, Paid Social and Programmatic (primary channels being Meta Ads &, Google SEM & Youtube).
  • Identify and test new channels and tactics for growth- constantly applying an experimentation mindset.
  • Collaborate in building & executing growth experimentation framework & principles for key digital marketing channels
  • Understand, implement and localize Koala's global performance marketing approach, including internal tools such as performance media pacing sheet
  • Manage the planning of budget allocation for all digital media channels in line with revenue share and revenue growth targets.
  • Oversee meticulous platform, tracking and campaign set ups
  • Regular reporting of key metrics for channels on weekly & monthly basis
  • Stay abreast of global and Japan-specific trends across Search, Social and Programmatic channels and share with wider Koala team as relevant
  • Ideal background...

  • 5-7+ years of hands-on implementation and strategic experience in performance/paid channels such as Search, Social and Programmatic
  • Nice to have: 2+ years experience in a DTC/ecommerce marketing team
  • Growth Marketing: Experience with growth marketing strategies and an experimentation mindset.
  • Local Market Knowledge: In-depth understanding of the Japanese digital marketing landscape.
  • Technical Proficiency: Advanced knowledge of Meta Ads Manager, Google Ads, and programmatic media buying platforms.
  • Data Analysis: Skills in analyzing campaign data and performance metrics to optimize ads (, using Meta Ads Manager, Google Ads, Google Analytics etc).
  • Creativity & disruptive thinking: Innovative mindset with a track record of developing new and effective marketing strategies. Willingness to challenge status quo of Japanese media buying
  • Keyword Research: Proficiency in conducting keyword research to identify valuable keywords for targeting.
  • Audience Targeting: Expertise in defining and targeting specific audience segments for ad campaigns.
  • Copywriting: Basic skills in writing ad copy that drives clicks and conversions.
  • A/B Testing: Experience in conducting and analyzing A/B tests to determine the effectiveness of different ad variations.
  • Campaign setup: Able to setup campaigns from prospecting, consideration & remarketing stages of consumer journey
  • Benefits

    Treehouse Perks and Privileges...

    Koala is only as good as its employees are happy - and we're one happy international bilingual bunch We offer our teams flexible hybrid working options and the freedom and autonomy to do their best work in a way that works for them Whether that's working your own version of 9-6, working from home in your pajamas from time to time or hanging out at our Treehouse (this is what we call our office digs) in Omotesando, or enjoying the 20+ days annual leave (+generous time off for volunteer, parental, Koala life leave and more) you decide whatever helps you find your flow The Treehouse has plenty of social activities to get involved with, including Thursday lunches, and help you get to know your fellow Koalas better as well as free Koala products for all employees - who better to shout from the tree tops how awesome our products are, right? We also recognise that we can't grow as a brand unless we support the growth of our teams so this is a strong focus for us via our Learning Management platform Juno, as well as individual and team growth budgets and dedicated days. Lastly and importantly our employee experience respects and embraces all families, formed, found and evolving. You'll have access to our Employee Assistance Program, which includes unlimited sessions for financial, work, relationship, family or wellbeing support. We believe that simply doing 'no harm' isn't good enough So, how are we doing our part? BCorp Certified, WWF Partnership, volunteer days, a member of SoftLanding, 1% and so much more. All in all, the Koala Kommunity is a great place to hang out in and belong to

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