Tokyo Sales Marker Full time

About Us

At Sales Marker, our mission is to create a world where all people and companies can challenge themselves beyond existing boundaries. We're the first and No.1 「Intent Sales」 company and one of the fastest growing start-up in Japan. We're growing at a speed that is twice as fast as Unicorn startups. By using our product, sales teams can improve their work efficiency by 3 times.
We have achieved over 900% YoY business growth rate in 2.5 years since our flagship product 「Sales Marker」 was released and we're currently actively working on a wide range of new product portfolios.

The Team

Our co-founders are from top companies in Japan and the world such as NRI, Keyence, LINE, Microsoft, and PwC. They were selected as 「FORBES 30 UNDER 30 ASIA LIST」 in 2023 (Read more). In our Engineering & Product team, we have members from more than 12 countries and they come from top tech companies in the world such as Google, Microsoft, Indeed, and famous tech companies in Japan such as Mercari, LINE, Yahoo, Smartnews, etc. They're smart but humble, they work hard but also have fun, they're very different individuals but they work together to achieve our mission and goals.

Your Job


You will be responsible for the front-end and back-end development of our flagship Saas product 「Sales Marker」. If you prefer or interested in, you can have the opportunity to work on other areas such as machine learning (ML), SRE in our team as well.


  • 3+ year of experience in Web Application Development
  • 3+ years of experience with , TypeScript
  • 3+ years of development experience on in-house product
  • Daily conversational level of English or Japanese (either is okay)

Nice to have

  • Experience with
  • Experience with , express
  • Business level Japanese is a plus

Why Us?

  • High growth business and strong financial foundation.
  • Innovative new product development and opportunity to build things from scratch.
  • Plenty of leadership and career development opportunities.
  • Full remote-friendly & full flexible work schedules.
  • Global team and English-speaking environment.
  • Great benefits & perks packages such as Resort Work, Purchasing Books, Free Weekly Lunch, Offsites, etc.

Our Tech Stack


  • TypeScript, React;
  • Libraries: Storybook, jest;
  • Hosting: Amplify


  • Infrastructure: AWS, ElasticBeanstalk;
  • DB: Aurora, ElasticSearch;
  • Languages: (Sales Marker), Python, Go;
  • Analysis environment: Athena;
  • Framework: Express;
  • Monitoring: DataDog;
  • Others: AWS Lambda, AWS Batch, AWS API Gateway, AWS Glue

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