Tokyo Rakuten Full time



Business Overview

Commerce & Marketing Company as various internet services including Rakuten Ichiba, Rakuten Travel, Rakuten GORA (Golf Business) , Marketing Business, Advertisement Business and so on.

Department Overview

Cross-Use Project Section was established last year under President Office, which manages all businesses within Commerce & Marketing Company. The mission of the Section is to drive making strategy and promotion of cross use as it is one of critical missions of Rakuten Group.
In order to enhance cross use in Rakuten Ecosystem, Cross-Use Project Section is responsible to make company-wide strategy, support each business to plan and execute cross-use actions, and visualize various Rakuten data to realize data-driven PDCA cycle.
It is essential to understand strengths and assets Rakuten Group holds and use them to realize optimization for both cross-company level and each business level. Setting right goal and KPIs are equally important to proactively manage multiple actions and plans closely with stakeholders.


Why We Hire

Additional hire to enhance team capability

Position Details

You will be discussing with/reporting to executive officers responsible for cross-use project on daily basis. You will also have many occasions where you discuss with the director who is in charge of Commerce & Marketing Company, other executive officers, business managers and PICs.

Primary tasks/agendas for this position
- Propose/report/prepare materials to top managements about strategy and plans
- Initiate PDCA with PIC from multiple business units
- Work with Data team to develop data dasboard which enables business PICs to substantially utilize data to make business decisions
- Collaborate with data scientists to realize higher business return based on data-centric approach
- Collaborate with President Office to align with business leaders within Commerce & Marketing Company

Work Environment

Currently all members of the team are additional-post based.
2 Executive Officers
1 General Manager
1 Senior Manager
2 Members

Mandatory Qualifications:

Have experience in making strategy and business plans
- Have experience as PM/PMO to lead projects where multiple stakeholders are involved
- Ability to move projects/team members forward through proper commuincation
- Ability to manage and execute multitasks based on priorities
- Skill in sorting out issues for complex phenomena with logical and structural thinking
- Intermediate to advanced Excel skills (proficient in functions at an intermediate level, ability to design macros or equivalent level of efficiency)
- Well-experienced in creating powerpoint materials (that you can develop materials based on discussions with reasonable quality and speed)
- Native-level Japanese proficiency

Desired Qualifications:

Experience in following departments: Corporate Planning, Business Planning, Sales Planning, Business Development, Marketing
- Experience in internet services and/or digital marketing
- Experience in presenting and reporting to management-level decision makers
- Experience in creating materials in English


Additional information on Location

Futako Tamagawa Rise Office

Additional information on English Qualification

TOEIC Score exceeding 800 (or similar level of English ability) or a University Degree earned in an English-speaking country.
If no evidence is available to prove the qualifications denoted above, taking an IP test, organized by Rakuten, during selection process is required.

#business #strategyplanning #serviceplanner #commerce


English (Overall - 3 - Advanced)

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