FP&A Manager


Tokyo Abbott Laboratories Full time

Primary Function/Goals/Objectives

The primarily role of this position is to support business in the areas of

(A) P&L forecasting and actuals reporting

(B) Balance sheet, Capital Expenditure, Net working capital (NWC) and Cash flow

(C) Japan Diabetes Market analytics for commercial initiatives

(D) Business partnering support for Japan commercial team

The role is responsible for setting up processes for consolidation, analyses and submission of the required information from Japan affiliate to Area, Global and Division HQ spanning across the actuals, quarterly rLBEs and CDR cycles.

The role helps the Japan Head of Finance to put together analysis of sales forecast analysis files as well as the track the SG&A/cost center spend reports.

The role is responsible for supporting commercial execution and recommending best financial outcomes to drive long term profitable growth.

Major Responsibilities

P&L Forecasting and Actual Reporting

  • Consolidation and timely submission of Quarterly LBEs and Actuals required by Area and Division
  • Support Head of Commercial Finance with planning the ABJ affiliate internal review and preparation timelines, guidelines and templates according to Area and Division
  • Prepare summary reports, variance analyses and commentary of the same
  • Follow through the entire planning process (reviews, cost change, reclasses/restatements for P&L)
  • Work closely with Head of Commercial Finance and Demand Planner in the roll-out of Integrated Business Planning (Commercial Demand Review) process, including provision of key financial data and reconciliation
  • Assist in capturing of actual accounting requirements – ICB, performances charges, invoices and journal entries
  • Manage ABJ cost center, budget, forecasting and actual reporting
  • Provide ad hoc reports/analysis as required

Balance Sheet and Cash Flow

  • Lead discussions with affiliates on Balance Sheet, Capex, NWC and Cash Flow and review on actions on a quarterly basis
  • Prepare summary reports, variances analyses and commentary of the same.
  • Consolidation and timely submission of requirements stipulated by GCO and DHQ
  • Develop templates and procedures where required.
  • Support the business in the achievement of Cash Flow targets, through working capital management, analyses and tracking of performance using Dashboard

Market Analytics

  • Understand and collaborate with Commercial team in gathering market analytics for the Libre business
  • Consolidate data and provide financial insights of the Libre business

Secondary Roles

  • Provide support in the development and implementation of new financial planning tools and systems
  • Support the preparation, review and approval of sales incentive schemes and monitor performance vs targets

Business Partnering

  • Partner with Head of finance, Commercial Sales leaders and staff to drive operating performance and strategic initiatives within the organization.
  • Improve efficiencies and performance as well as providing quality financial information. Actively participate with sales leadership to improve productivity and sales force effectiveness.

Recommended Educational Qualifications and Job Experience

  • At least 6 years working experience in Financial planning
  • Solid foundation of International Accounting Standards/FASB
  • Cross border/ international experience is benecial
  • Excellent communication in Japanese and English
  • Degree in Finance or equivalent education

Distinguishing Requirements

  • Able to organize processes and plan calendars to meet deadlines
  • High learning agility and adaptability
  • Innovative
  • Integrity
  • Result-driven and focused on improvement
  • Effective communication (in English) and influencing skills
  • Prepare to work overtime when required on short notice.
  • Team player and proven ability to build a high performing team
  • Flexible while working within constraints and guidelines
  • Role model for Abbott values

Reporting Structure

  • Reports to Head of Finance, ABJ ADC Japan

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