Tokyo Rakuten Full time



Business Overview


Rakuten Group's basic management philosophy is to "empower people and society through innovation". We provide more than 70 diverse services, including EC services such as shopping malls and travel booking sites, financial services such as online banking, and media services and professional sports, to more than 100 million customers in Japan alone (more than 1 billion globally), covering a wide range of people's life scenes. At the same time, we are building a strong business model based on the "Rakuten Ecosystem" that organically links customers and various services.

"With the power of technology, we aim to create a world where anyone can enjoy the same value no matter where they are."

As the digital sphere of society rapidly expands, we want to connect the Internet and the real world more seamlessly, so that everyone can use technology to lead a safe, secure, and more comfortable daily life.

In order to achieve such a society, we would like to face the various problems that people are facing and move forward together to the next stage.

Department Overview

In Rakuten FinTech Group, we have a variety of FinTech services such as Bank, Credit card, Securities, Insurance, Rakuten Pay. FinTech services are extremely important to maintain our over 70 services called "Rakuten Eco-System".

Why We Hire

Note: This position is open position as Software Engineer within Rakuten Group.

Once you apply to this position, we will check your CV in whole FinTech Group, then we will let you know what positions are good fit with you.

Position Details

・Lead in the area of engineering from application design of new functions and services, development, testing to service-in.

・To understand business requirements and deliver features with high quality and speed.

・Smooth negotiation and coordination with internal and external stakeholders.

・Design and development of business logic such as APIs and batch processing.

Mandatory Qualifications:

-Design and implementation experience of Web applications (3 years or more).

Excellent negotiation / communication skills.

-Experience in responsible to secure non-functional requirements such as performance, security, productivity.

-Excellent logical thinking ability, flexibility and multitasking resistance.

-Aggressiveness and initiative Business Applications Specialist.

Desired Qualifications:

Java implementation experience (3 years or more).

-Oracle Database knowledge and experience (3 years or more).

-Knowledge and experience of up-to-date front-end technologies.

-Development experience of Android or iOS native apps (5 years or more).

-Development experience of mission critical systems.

-Distributed development experience-Agile development experience.

-Curiosity for new services and technologies, challenging spirit.

Additional information on Secondment

Note: You will be seconded to one of FinTech companies where you will be assigned.

#engineer #fintechgroup


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  • Tokyo Rakuten Full time

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  • Tokyo Rakuten Full time

    Description · : Business Overview · Mission: · Rakuten Group's basic management philosophy is to "empower people and society through innovation". We provide more than 70 diverse services, including EC services such as shopping malls and travel booking sites, financial services ...

  • Tokyo Rakuten Full time

    Description · : Business Overview · Mission: · Rakuten Group's basic management philosophy is to "empower people and society through innovation". We provide more than 70 diverse services, including EC services such as shopping malls and travel booking sites, financial services ...

  • Tokyo Rakuten Full time

    Description · : Department Overview · Rakuten FinTech Group Company provides fintech services, including the credit card and other payment services, the loyalty points program, internet banking, securities trading, and insurance. · Why We Hire · ※This requisition is open for ...

  • Tokyo Rakuten Full time

    Description · : Department Overview · Rakuten FinTech Group Company provides fintech services, including the credit card and other payment services, the loyalty points program, internet banking, securities trading, and insurance. · Why We Hire · ※This requisition is open for ...

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