Chuo Raytheon Technologies Full time


The role:

Reporting to the Director of Business Development, Asia, we are looking to hire an experienced Business Development Manager based in Japan, focused on leading the pursuit order capture of large, strategic programs in Japan working with our existing team. For this individual contributor role, the ideal candidate should have a thorough understanding of Japan's defense procurement processes and be comfortable interacting with the Japan Ministry of Defense (JMOD), Mutual Defense Assistance Office ("MDAO"), Acquisition Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA), the different military services, and the heavy industries (OEM).

Key Responsibilities:

  • Champion Pursuit Order Capture Process: This person will be responsible for the growth of the assigned Mission Systems portfolios and should have the ability to lead all aspects of Pursuit, Order Capture process including, but not limited to operational analysis, military doctrine, price to Win analysis, contact plan, strategy development and execution, color team reviews, timely/accurate forecasting of orders, for both direct commercial sales and foreign military sales.
  • Serve as an internal advocate for customers by identifying common needs/opportunities across Mission Systems portfolio.
  • Leverage relationships in government, military organizations, representatives, and industry to ensure Mission Systems is engaging with the key stakeholders.
  • Guide Mission Systems in government procurement and acquisition processes and gather intelligence to develop strategies for business development activities of Mission Systems in Japan.
  • Closely work with and manage designated third parties.
  • The person will have regular interaction with senior level Collins management (VP, Directors, etc) and must be comfortable / versed with developing and delivering senior level presentations.
  • Ensure the establishment and development of professional relationships with strategic prospects with the purpose of understanding and meeting the customer needs within the bounds of contracted scope.
  • Develop and maintain long-term customer relationships with prospective accounts to influence opportunities while expanding value Mission Systems can provide.
  • Prospects, develops, and expands business, responds to proposal requests from customers and develops proposals for presentation to customers.
  • Represent Mission Systems at industry events, conferences, and tradeshows.
  • Qualifications Essentials:

  • Extensive knowledge and experience of the military market environment in Japan. Must have knowledge of Japan defence budget, programs and requirements development, acquisition process, acquisition and life cycle sustainment process, with a demonstrated ability to match the customer's requirements with the best solutions (product and sustainment of the product)
  • Engineering, project management, strategy, business or equivalent degree and a minimum of 10 years of business development relevant experience
  • Strong network and affinity with government agencies, Self-Defense Forces, Embassies, and the defense industries
  • Fluent in Japanese and English
  • Japanese citizen or authorized to work in Japan, with proper security clearances.
  • Extensive BD experience as demonstrated by tangible results in prior roles (e.g., pipeline growth, program wins, successful marketing campaigns, contract negotiations)
  • Knowledge of and experience in complex sales in the areas of mission equipment and integrated systems
  • Strategic thinking and leadership skills
  • Strong communication skills (Japanese and English)
  • Demonstrated ability to solve customer problems be the customer advocate
  • Passion for winning new competitive business by developing functional excellence within the business development team
  • The ideal candidate should demonstrate strong proficiency in using a range of office and business applications including, but is not limited to: Microsoft PowerPoint, Words, Excel, Salesforce, Workday, as well as internal applications.
  • Ability to regularly travel in Japan and occasionally Internationally (Asia, USA, Europe)
  • Desirable:

  • Master's degree, MBA or other relevant post-graduate degree
  • Experience with business functions outside of business development (e.g., contracts, program management, marketing, strategy)
  • Military operations or government procurement background/experience

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