Tokyo PayPay Corporation

About PayPay

PayPay is a fintech company that has grown to over 63M users since its launch in 2018. Our team is hugely diverse with members from over 50 different countries.


We dare to believe that we do not need a clear vision to create a future beyond our imagination. PayPay will always stay true to our roots and realize a vision (future) that no one else can imagine by constantly taking risks and challenging ourselves. With this mindset, you will be presented with new and exciting opportunities on a daily basis and have the opportunity to grow and reach new dimensions that you could never have imagined. We are looking for people who can embrace this challenge, refresh the product at breakneck speed and promote PayPay with professionalism and passion.

(Ratio of Mid-career hires: 100% in 2020/2021/2022)


  • Drive teams to expand and optimize technical vision, architecture, system design, development process of systems
  • Work with teams to answer consultations; furthermore, identify and prioritize tech debt and determine the best approach for resolving it.
  • Realize the vision through measurable gains in system scalability and efficiency.
  • Serve as a role model for junior engineers through mentoring and direct education.
  • Job Description

    We are looking for a Principal Software Engineer to work on our various systems which need high scalability, reliability and availability. These challenges require creative thinking and a deep understanding of how software and platform work.

    Our ideal candidate is an ace problem solver and a learner at heart. You should have a very high degree of comfort in a programming language of your choice. We offer a flexible work schedule and you get your choice of tools (both hardware and software) and most importantly, the opportunity to work on tough problems with the brightest minds around you. So, if challenges excite you, and you're ready for a big one, let us know.


  • Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve software and core platform
  • Lead technical aspects for multiple projects through hands-on execution and guidance of other engineers
  • Provide architectural blueprints and technical leadership.
  • Provides input and guidance during all phases of programs to solve challenging technical issues.
  • Build common platforms to support different business vertical application systems
  • Develop tools and contribute to open source wherever possible
  • Adopt problem-solving as a way of life – always go to the root cause
  • Experience:

  • Solid foundation in designing, implementing, and maintaining a large-scale distributed system.
  • Experience in developing distributed platform systems such as Messaging Platforms, Pub/Sub Systems, Databases, Distributed Computing Frameworks, and Schedulers.
  • Tech Stack:

    Our technology stack may vary based on project needs. Currently, we utilize:

  • Programming Languages: Java, Kotlin, Scala
  • Frameworks and Tools: Spring Boot, JUnit, Resilience4j, Feign
  • Databases: MySQL/AuroraDB, DynamoDB, ELK, Kafka, Redis, TiDB
  • Deployment and Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, AWS, GCP
  • Development Tools: GitHub, IntelliJ, Gradle, Maven, npm/yarn, Flyway, Jenkins
  • Data Analytics: BigQuery, Kibana, Spark
  • Diagramming Tools: PlantUML, ,
  • Communication: Slack, Zoom
  • Qualifications:

  • Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science or 7+ years equivalent experience in software development
  • Strong fundamentals in data structure, algorithm, operating system and object-oriented programming
  • Deep understanding of concurrency, distributed computing, large-scale system, messaging and algorithm
  • Software development experience in one or more general-purpose programming languages
  • Interest and ability to learn new technology stacks as needed
  • Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience in working for system development in finance, payment, or similar industries
  • Experience with AWS services
  • Contribute to open-source projects
  • Language ability in Japanese and English is a plus (We have a professional translator but it is nice to have language skills)
  • Portrait:

  • Experience: Demonstrated experience designing and implementing large scale, high performance, micro-service based architectures utilizing new concepts and technologies where appropriate.
  • Ownership: A mentoring approach to owning, managing and improving the technical aspects of a large scale system end to end.
  • Communication : The ability to clearly and logically communicate your choice of technology and architectural decision based on its implementation strengths and limitations.
  • Commitment : As a professional, commit to the growth and business goals of the organization and create impactful results by your ownership.
  • Curiosity: Foster a development culture that explores new ideas knowing that we learn even from the ones that fail.
  • PayPay 5 senses

  • Please refer PayPay 5 senses to learn what we value at work.
  • Working Conditions

    Employment Status

  • Full Time
  • Office Location

  • WFA(Work From Anywhere at Anytime)
  • Remote Job
  • You can live anywhere in Japan
  • Work Hours

  • Super Flex Time (No Core Time)
  • In principle, 10:00am-6:45pm (actual working hours: 7h45m + 1h break)
  • Holidays

  • Every Sat/Sun/National holidays (In Japan)/New Year's break/Company-designated Special days
  • Paid leave

  • Annual leave (up to 14 days in the first year, granted proportionally according to the month of employment. Can be used from the date of hire)
  • Personal leave (5 days each year, granted proportionally according to the month of employment)
    *PayPay's own special paid leave system, which can be used to attend to illnesses, injuries, hospital visits, etc., of the employee, family members, pets, etc.
  • Salary

  • Annual salary paid in 12 installments (monthly)
  • Based on skills, experience, and abilities
  • Reviewed once a year
  • Special Incentive once a year *Based on company performance and individual contribution and evaluation
  • Late overtime allowance, Work from anywhere allowance (JPY100,000)
  • Benefits

  • Social Insurance (health insurance, employee pension, employment insurance and compensation insurance)
  • 401K
  • Language Learning support
  • Translation/Interpretation support
  • VISA sponsor + Relocation support
  • Other Information:

  • PayPay Inside-Out (Corporate Blog) /JP
  • PayPay Inside-out (Corporate Blog) /ENG
  • PayPay Product Blog /JP
  • PayPay Product Blog /ENG

    • Software Engineer


      Tokyo SORACOM フルタイム

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    • Software Engineer


      Tokyo SORACOM フルタイム

      ソラコムのバックエンドエンジニアは、ソラコムの提供するサービスを支えるバックエンドの業務システムを構築・運用するエンジニアです。 · IoTシステム構築に使いやすいサービスを提供するためには、単にそのサービス自体が便利なだけではなく、お客様がビジネスを構築しやすい料金体系や支払い手段の提供、運用時に使いやすい権限設定などの機能提供が必要です。またお客様に提供する機能だけでなく、ソラコム自体がプラットフォームとしてスケールしていくための内部向けシステム、例えばデバイス類やSIMカードの円滑な提供を行うためのキッティングシステムや、顧客サポートのための管理コ ...

    • Tokyo SORACOM フルタイム

      ソラコムのバックエンドエンジニアは、ソラコムの提供するサービスを支えるバックエンドの業務システムを構築・運用するエンジニアです。 · IoTシステム構築に使いやすいサービスを提供するためには、単にそのサービス自体が便利なだけではなく、お客様がビジネスを構築しやすい料金体系や支払い手段の提供、運用時に使いやすい権限設定などの機能提供が必要です。またお客様に提供する機能だけでなく、ソラコム自体がプラットフォームとしてスケールしていくための内部向けシステム、例えば顧客サポートのための管理コンソールや定形業務を自動化するシステムなどを提供する必要があります。 · ...

    • Tokyo PayPay Corporation

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    • Tokyo PayPay Corporation

      PayPayについて · 2018年にサービスを開始してからわずか約5年でユーザー数6100万人を突破したフィンテック企業であるPayPayは現在約50か国の国と地域から集まった多様なメンバーで構成されています。従業員は数千名をすでに超えていますが、まだまだ会社は成長段階であり「未完成」です。「PayPay」の提供に当たっては、インド最大の決済サービス事業者であるPaytm社と連携し、同社の顧客本位のテクノロジーを活用して日本におけるスマホ決済を構築しサービスを拡大していきます。 · わたしたちの最大のライバルは"現金"です。この困難な課題に前向きに ...

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    • Tokyo PayPay Corporation

      PayPayについて · 2018年にサービスを開始してからわずか約5年で、ユーザー数6000万人を突破したフィンテック企業であるPayPayは現在約50か国の国と地域から集まった多様なメンバーで構成されています。従業員は数千名をすでに超えていますが、まだまだ会社は成長段階であり「未完成」です。「PayPay」の提供に当たっては、インド最大の決済サービス事業者であるPaytm社と連携し、同社の顧客本位のテクノロジーを活用して日本におけるスマホ決済を構築しサービスを拡大していきます。 · わたしたちの最大のライバルは"現金"です。この困難な課題に前向き ...

    • Tokyo PayPay Corporation

      PayPayについて · 2018年にサービスを開始してから約5年でユーザー数6300万人を突破したフィンテック企業であるPayPayは約50か国の国と地域から集まった多様なメンバーで構成されています。 · OUR VISION IS UNLIMITED_ · 我々は自分たちの想像を超える未来を創るためにあえて明確なビジョンは必要ないと考えています。常にDay1であるスタンスを忘れずに、誰もが想像できないようなビジョン(未来)を実現していくのがPayPayです。 · この壮大なビジョンに前向きに取り組み、他社に真似できない圧倒的なスピードでプロダク ...

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