Chiyoda Lenovo Full time

Description and Requirements

■ About Lenovo culture
Our culture defines 's our DNA. We call it the "We Are Lenovo" culture and it's the values we share and the business practices we deploy. It's how we address our day-to-day commitments. The "We Are Lenovo" culture is embodied in the statement: We do what we say, we own what we do, and we like to constantly wow our customers
  • INNOVATORS who relentlessly pursue new idea
  • ENTREPRENEURS committed to driving change
  • Global TEAM players guided by integrity and TRUST
  • CUSTOMERS in everything we do
  • Our culture is what has enabled us to consistently raise the bar on delivering break-through innovations, award-winning designs, and strong financial performance. To know more about who we are, visit Description◇
    ■About Organization
    This position is responsible for inside sales execution utilizing multiple approaches like telephone, email to contribute to maximize Lenovo Japan Commercial Business revenue and profit. Inside sales play an important role to capture customer needs, generate demand and close deals with effective approaches which Face to Face sales won't be able to cover. And we will also collaborate with Lenovo co-workers outside of Japan to implement activities to increase business.
  • Number of Peers : 8
  • Report to : Japan Global Account Business ISR Manager
  • Roles and responsibilities
    1.Opportunity Identification/Customer Relationship Building
  • Create marketing materials
  • Develop relationships with key business partners
  • Develop customer loyalty
  • Develop relationships with decision makers/influencers
  • Identify customer decision-making process
  • Understand/Evaluate customer needs
  • Initiate and drive marketing campaigns
  • Sales prospecting and outbound/inbound calling
  • 2.Products/solution proposal - Deal Closing
  • Engage technical resource if needed
  • Manage contract closure
  • Engage management for escalations
  • Deliver value proposition and up sell
  • Prepare/Develop product proposals and proposal activities
  • Differentiate Lenovo products
  • Understand Lenovo's and competitors' strategy, products and its configurations
  • 3.Business Management
  • Manage contract closure
  • Understand IT Tool and continuous update of customer database on D365 and Sale Order Management
    Identify resolution and engage proper resource Ensure order placement and Investigate order issues, such as credit holds, credit line issues, A/P issues, and invalid part Sale Order Management
    Manage/Retain relations with customerManage product transitions/substitutions Work with Accounts Payable contact on past due A/R 6.Activities for Lenovo Global Accounts
    Send announcement & approval to the local sales teamMaintain the product and price on the customers' purchasing catalogue systemCatalog update (rebid, change request, add new products, drop old products, etc.) ■Key Interaction with:
    Supply and DemandFinanceMarketingOperationsFace to Face sales ◇Requirements◇
    ■Must Have – essential
    Up to around 15 years of work experience3+ years of experience in Inside Sales in PC or IT industry【Skill, Competency】
    Business level English (TOEIC 750pts+) with Native Japanese skillsSpeed (Daily reporting and actions)High communication skillsHigh ability and passion to achieve sales target ■Good to have - desirable
    Experience in managing outsource staff
  • Additional Locations : * Japan - Tōkyō - Chiyoda-Ku * Japan * Japan - Tōkyō * Japan - Tōkyō - Chiyoda-Ku

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