Minato Renoveru 東京(表参道本社)

Transforming the idea of "living like yourself" for customers.

We are seeking second-career individuals who want to build a new career as design professionals at Renoveru.

  • Target:
    ・ Graduates of "architecture-related" schools (universities, technical colleges, etc.) after March 2023
    ・ Individuals who resonate with Renoveru's mission
    ※ Targeting individuals graduating in 2023 or 2024.
    ※ Even if you have graduated from university during the specified period, you can apply even if you have no full-time work experience.

Mission: Making Japanese lifestyles the smartest and most wonderful in the world.

Everyone can enjoy a "home" and a "lifestyle" that suits their own lifestyle, aiming to change society. We create new services by transforming individual, social, and industrial challenges into "value".

Why are we recruiting?

Renoveru has been continuously striving to create a new way of living through renovation, where individuals can achieve a "lifestyle of their own" by getting second-hand properties at a good price and renovating them to their liking, living in them with deep emotional attachment. To continue being a frontrunner in the industry, we believe it is important for each employee to have the will to be at the forefront. Especially for new graduates and young employees, they are not "unable to do anything" but rather "capable of doing anything." Therefore, the determination to keep leading the way can become a significant force in changing the future of Renoveru and the industry.

  • ・Seeking individuals who want to do design work that directly involves customers
    ・We are looking for those who have experience in sales or construction management at a company they joined as new graduates but still want to challenge design work.

Why not start a new career as a Lifestyle Designer (Design Professional) at Renoveru?

What is a Lifestyle Designer (Design Professional) at Renoveru?

At our company, the No.1 in the one-stop renovation industry, you will be responsible for meeting with customers, planning, design, construction management, and handover meetings, in order to realize customers' ideal lifestyles. You are not only free to determine the floor plan but also have no restrictions on specifications and facilities, allowing for unique proposals tailored to each customer. By leveraging over 6,000 renovation achievements as the industry's top performer, we make our customers' ideal lifestyles a reality.

Regarding Applications

・We are recruiting individuals who want to learn (or challenge) design and business skills from scratch at Renoveru.
・Even for those with several years of work experience, new graduate members will undergo training, so please be aware of this.

Recruitment Recruiter System

For self-applicants, a recruiting staff member will directly become a recruiter according to your wishes, and will provide the following support for the selection process:

  • Advice for the next interview
  • Follow-up and explanation of company and job type understanding
  • In addition to the above, individual consultations and interview support regarding your conditions, such as the timing of job change, are also possible.

※ The above content does not affect the selection results.

Working Conditions

【Overtime】Utilizing a flextime system, the average overtime is about 20 hours per month for all employees. We have a management system in place that links PCs and attendance for effective management.
【Telecommuting】Consultation is possible. Even in remote work, we promote communication between department heads and members through daily morning meetings and weekly 1-on-1 meetings.
【Other】Casual dress code, office renovated from a 50-year-old building (cafe facility available, free address system)

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