
  • English: Business level
  • Japanese: Business level
  • Must currently reside in Japan


【英語活用】日英翻訳・営業事務 Vtuberのプロダクション事業 週3勤務 時給2400円

【勤務地】 東京都, 千代田区

【雇用条件】 派遣社員 *長期予定






【Job Description】

The company manages official Vtuber channels and Vtuber production business, and will be outsourcing sales administration and translation work.

-Sales office staff (creating and issuing invoices and purchase orders, submitting approval requests, etc.)

-Translation (Japanese⇔English, business documents such as Vtuber contract-related documents and purchase orders for overseas teams)



















Required experience and skills

・Experience translating Japanese to English and English to Japanese in business setup

・Learn business email correspondence and general email etiquette

・Basic skills in Word and Excel (experience using them in business)

・Experience processing invoices and purchase orders

・For foreign nationals, Japanese: advanced business level or higher

・English: advanced business level or higher

Welcome experience and skills※Those with the following experience are welcome.

・Experience using Photoshop

・Experience using PowerPoint Presentation (able to create from scratch)

・Art direction experience

・Experience in the licensing business (applications, negotiations, etc.)

・Creative knowledge

Desired Personality

・Someone who has knowledge and interest in VTubers

・Someone who can do their job tactfully

・Someone who pays attention to details and always double checking.




週3日 10:00~19:00(休憩1時間、実働8時間)



【Working Hours】

3 days a week, 10:00-19:00 (1 hour break, 8 hours of work)

*Work days are generally preferred on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

If working all of Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is difficult, at least two of these days are required, and the 3rd day can be discussed later.


土・日・祝祭日 ※その他、会社カレンダーに準ずる

【給与】 ¥2,400 ~ 2,800 / 時

時給制:2,400円~2,800円 交通費:別途支給(上限規定あり)


Since you'll only be working 3 days a week, monthly wage will be about 230,000 JPY (approx 96H monthly)


    応募条件 · 英語: 上級(ビジネス会話レベル) · 日本語: 上級(ビジネス会話レベル) · 現在日本在住の方に限ります · 説明 · 【英語活用】日英翻訳・営業事務 Vtuberのプロダクション事業 週3勤務 時給2400円 · 【勤務地】 東京都, 千代田区 · 【雇用条件】 派遣社員 *長期予定 · 【職務詳細】 · Vtuberの公式チャンネルの運営や、Vtuberのプロダクション事業などを行う企業で、 · 営業事務や翻訳業務をお任せします。 · ・営業事務(請求書や発注書の作成・発行、稟議申請等) · ・翻訳業務(日本語⇔英語、Vtuberの ...

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