Tokyo JLL Full time



What this job involves

The FM program manager will have the overall responsibility for management of client emergency response plans & programs as per the EHS framework, policies and procedures for all buildings / sites within the scope across multiple cities / countries within the area. Additionally, the individual will be responsible for overall coordination and management of internal audits & reviews to ensure compliance to the established policies & procedures covering various functions (such as EHS, Engineering) associated with delivery of Facilities Management services.

  • Program manage and coordinate all fire & emergency drills and other associated activities including coordination with the landlord & business teams
  • Coordinate and implement / deliver emergency preparedness training programs such as safety ambassador & evacuation etc. including JLL sub-contractor staff. Manage training records.
  • Develop and review the site EHS and fire assessment and guide them through the process documentation for site Emergency manual, escalation matrix etc.,
  • Understand, imbibe and align JLL HSSE deliverable with Client HSSE framework, policies and procedures in the region.
  • Implement and monitor documentations related to statutory requirements in alignment with Client process and requirements
  • Lead, coordinate and manage various internal quality and compliance audits & reviews (e.g. JLL business assurance audits, Emergency preparedness audits etc.)
  • Support FM teams in the region from time to time on activities pertaining to sustainability, EHS, quality & business assurance
  • Key Activities

  • Working in partnership with the Client HSSE team to create and deliver Emergency Response plan and associated standard operating procedures
  • Lead all Emergency related activities including training the operations, support staff & contractors and monitoring their activities.
  • Develop and monitor the training calendar and facilitate Safety Ambassador, First Aide/CPR/AED and other site-specific trainings.
  • Work closely with the site FMs to conduct planned annual drills
  • Validating Emergency Evacuation drawings on the floor.
  • Communicating with Businesses for Safety Ambassadors nominations
  • Communicate the drill schedules with the business leaders and building occupants
  • Facilitate, Participate in land lord pre-drill meeting
  • Connect with land lord to close the unsafe conditions pertains to landlord
  • Fire Safety due diligence for business events at site
  • Facilitate with the site teams for implementation of the sustainability activities.
  • Conduct periodic inspection of fire and life safety systems and report.
  • Coordinate for implementation of various internal audits from time to time (JCAP, FORI, RIC, EASy and other audits). Support site teams where required.
  • Coordinate with site teams and follow-up for closure of audit observations / non-compliances.
  • Support EHS team in developing and implementation of HSE initiatives in the account
  • Qualification & Experience

  • Bachelor's Degree in any discipline / equivalent with a minimum 5-7 years of experience in managing Fire & life safety programs/ EHS in a similar environment
  • International and regional certifications in EHS, Fire safety and Sustainability - preferred
  • ISO 14001 & 45001 exposures would be an added advantage
  • Demonstrated Leadership Skills

  • Must have good communication & interpersonal skills
  • Must be able to articulate knowledge in Fire & Life safety, EHS and Sustainability aspects.
  • Should have demonstrated leadership skills to lead & coordinate with teams in multiple sites across different cities / countries
  • Should have a keen understanding of Risk assessment and the skills to align the same to mitigation and planning.
  • Location:

    On-site –Tokyo, Japan

    If this job description resonates with you, we encourage you to apply even if you don't meet all of the requirements. We're interested in getting to know you and what you bring to the table

    Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading global provider of real estate and investment management services. We take our responsibility to protect the personal information provided to us seriously. Generally the personal information we collect from you are for the purposes of processing in connection with JLL's recruitment process. We endeavour to keep your personal information secure with appropriate level of security and keep for as long as we need it for legitimate business or legal reasons. We will then delete it safely and securely.

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