Tokyo Rakuten Full time



Business Overview

The Rakuten Group's basic management philosophy is to "empower" people and society through innovation.

Rakuten Group offers more than 70 diverse services, including the online shopping mall Rakuten Ichiba, e-commerce services such as the travel booking site Rakuten Travel, financial services such as Rakuten Bank, and professional sports.

Department Overview

Global Talent Acquisition Department is mainly responsible for executive recruitment, overseas MBA recruitment, and engineering recruitment. Among these, you will be in charge of engineering hiring, which employs several hundred people annually.

Rakuten's development organization is a global organization with more than 70 nationalities working in it, and hiring activities are conducted all over the world.

As the competition to hire talented IT professionals becomes increasingly fierce, you will be required to have the attitude to identify issues on your own and solve problems by involving people inside and outside the company.


Why We Hire

To increase the number of personnel to strengthen the organization

Position Details

You work for Engineer recruiting in whole Rakuten group.

Rakuten tech organization is a global organization and consists of the people from more than 70 different countries, so we are conducting recruiting activities all over the world.

Promote direct recruitment (Candidates sourcing, Scouting)

Promote Referral recruitment

Agent /Vendor management

Planning and execution of recruiting event (domestic and international)

Plannning and executinon of media publishment for our recruiting (domestic and international)

Plannning and executinon of the branding for our recruiting (recruiting website, SNS, novelties)

Work Environment

We have members with diverse backgrounds, ranging from late 20s to 40s. We have many non-Japanese members, and we communicate in both Japanese and English within the team.

In addition, many of our members concentrate on their own work during the workday and leave on time (average overtime hours for full-time employees: about 20 hours). Although the roles are roughly divided within the group, with one in charge of coordinating interviews and the other in charge of preparing for entry into the company, we have built a team system that makes it easy for us to complement each other. Many of our members take long vacations, making it easy to maintain a good work-life balance.

Mandatory Qualifications:

over 10 years of working experience

over 7 years in engineer recruiting or IT experiences

Bilingual in Japanese and English, or over 5 years' experience in English (TOEIC over 800 points)

Business level PC skill (Excel, PowerPoint)

Ability to involve people (experience of project management)

Ability to find and solve problems

#corporate #HR #operationdiv


English (Overall - 4 - Fluent)

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