Tokyo Rapid7 Full time

As we continue to expand our presence in Japan, we are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Cyber-Savvy Sales Engineer to join our dynamic team. In this role you will partner closely with our Sales team as the technical point of contact to new and existing customers across all of Rapid7's award winning solutions. If you are comfortable going toe-to-toe in a technical discussion with engineers before shifting gears and having a business value conversation with a CIO, this may be the opportunity for you

About the team

Our Sales Engineering team partners closely with our Account Executives in a pre-sales role to develop and position solutions involving Rapid7's security solutions. This team consists of a group of driven colleagues who are focussed on creating the right solutions for our customers, and delivering exceptional outcomes. The tenure within the Japan SE team is also impressive. Due to the smaller size of the team, you can really make an impact and play a key role in future growth

About the role

The Sales Engineer acts as the Subject Matter Expert, partnering with Rapid7 Account Executives and Customer Success Managers to uncover opportunities and run joint sales cycles through qualification, needs analysis, product demonstration, business and technical validation.

To be a successful Senior Sales Engineer, you will possess an in-depth knowledge of our company's technical products and services and you should be able to relate this knowledge in a way that is understandable to both technical and non-technical customers. You should be driven to achieve your sales goals, have a strong partnering mentality as well as an excellent understanding of the sales cycle, while exhibiting high quality customer service skills.

In this role, you will:

  • Understand and articulate the value of our solutions, the Rapid7 story and answer the question, 'Why Rapid7?' to prospects, peers, partners, customers and the public.
  • Conduct in-person and remote product demonstrations, working closely with Sales Account Executives to present the technical value proposition
  • Engage with the customer as their technical contact throughout the pre-sales evaluation cycle, demonstrating how Rapid7 products meet the customer's business and technical needs.
  • Engage with channel partners in the region to provide technical sales training and support for partner led-opportunities.
  • Provide on-stand demonstrations at Rapid7 seminars or events and industry trade shows
  • Drive high levels of client satisfaction
  • Provide feedback on Client Feature Requests and enhancements to improve the product relevance and maintain competitiveness
  • Work with marketing and sales on content development and delivery e.g. Webinars, blogs, vertical campaigns, seminars and trade shows
  • Stay knowledgeable with cyber security research by continuing to read and study new data/reports/trends

The skills you'll bring include:

  • 5+ years of solution selling subscription software or SaaS products to enterprise customers
  • A good understanding of network topology, TCP/IP network configuration and components (firewalls, routers, etc.)
  • Expertise in IT, Security Operations, Vulnerability Management, Incident Response, Threat Intelligence, DevOps, Application Security or Security Automation
  • Expertise in one or more cloud environments, for example; AWS, Azure, GCP or Oracle Cloud
  • Proven ability to manage a portfolio of clients and navigate complex customer organizations and align strategic solutions to multiple stakeholders within a target customer
  • An effective listener and rapport builder, with excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Japanese and English
  • Present effectively in front of small and large groups, technically and non-technically oriented, clearly exploring business problems, discussing these problems, and presenting and preparing solutions
  • Driven & creative self starter and strategic thinker with a real passion for learning new skills and technologies
  • Customer centric with the ability to lead, advise, and advocate for customers
  • A team player who advocates for their team, and can collaborate effectively cross functionally to drive outcomes and meet customer needs and drive long term customer value

We know that the best ideas and solutions come from multi-dimensional teams. That's because these teams reflect a variety of backgrounds and professional experiences. If you are excited about this role and feel your experience can make an impact, please don't be shy - apply today.

About Rapid7

At Rapid7, we are on a mission to create a secure digital world for our customers, our industry, and our communities. We do this by embracing tenacity, passion, and collaboration to challenge what's possible and drive extraordinary impact.

As pioneers in security and analytics, Rapid7 is dedicated to providing advanced solutions that empower organisations to detect and respond to cyber threats effectively. Our commitment to innovation, continuous learning, world class managed service delivery and client success sets us apart in the cybersecurity landscape. Here, we're building a dynamic workplace where everyone can have the career experience of a lifetime. We challenge ourselves to grow to our full potential. We learn from our missteps and celebrate our victories. We come to work every day to push boundaries in cybersecurity and keep our 10,000+ global customers ahead of whatever's next.

Join us and bring your unique experiences and perspectives to tackle some of the world's biggest security challenges.


  • Tokyo Amazon Web Services Japan GK フルタイム

    これまでのキャリアで培ったエンジニアリングスキル、アーキテクティングスキルを遺憾なく発揮し、AWSのソリューションアーキテクトとしてお客様およびB2C業界を新しいステージに導く活動を一緒に推進しませんか? · 本領域のソリューションアーキテクトは、業界を代表する大手企業を支援するアーキテクト集団であり、業種業態に特化したビジネス課題に対してテクノロジーを駆使した解決手段をお客様と一緒に策定し、展開するエンジニア職です。お客様のビジネス要件は千差万別で、業界に特化したビジネス事情や特有のデータ、ワークロードが存在しています。その中でも流通小売、消費財、サー ...

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  • Tokyo Amazon Web Services Japan GK フルタイム

    これまでのキャリアで培ったエンジニアリングスキル、アーキテクティングスキルを遺憾なく発揮し、AWSのソリューションアーキテクトとしてお客様およびサービス産業、ホスピタリティ業界を新しいステージに導く活動を一緒に推進しませんか? · 本領域のソリューションアーキテクトは、業界を代表する大手企業を支援するアーキテクト集団であり、業種業態に特化したビジネス課題に対してテクノロジーを駆使した解決手段をお客様と一緒に策定し、展開するエンジニア職です。お客様のビジネス要件は千差万別で、業界に特化したビジネス事情や特有のデータ、ワークロードが存在しています。その中でも ...

  • Tokyo Amazon Web Services Japan GK フルタイム

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  • Tokyo Amazon Web Services Japan GK フルタイム

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  • Tokyo Amazon Web Services Japan GK フルタイム

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  • Tokyo Amazon Web Services Japan GK フルタイム

    お客様の技術的な問題を解決するのは好きですか?それを最新のクラウドコンピューティング技術を使って行いませんか? · ソリューションアーキテクト(デジタルエンタープライズ担当)は、テクノロジーを主軸にビジネスを行われているコングロマリット企業に対して、クラウド導入のご提案/アーキテクチャ設計のご支援/システムアーキテクチャの最適化を推進するエンジニア職です。クラウドの最新テクノロジーを使ったシステムアーキテクチャやインテグレーションの方法をお客様にご理解いただくことを通じて、お客様を成功に導くソリューションアーキテクトとして活動することは、非常にエキサイテ ...

  • Tokyo Amazon Japan G.K. フルタイム

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