Tokyo Rakuten Full time



Department Overview

Rakuten Travel is a leading online travel service in Japan, dedicated to "Making People Happy with Travel".

Since our founding in 1996, we have consistently led the industry, challenging the norms and fostering innovation. With growing aspirations to expand beyond borders as a Global Innovation Company, we are not confined to Japan but continue to strive daily to become the world's premier travel reservation service.

At the forefront of the Commerce & Marketing Company, Travel Development Department (TDD) is distinctive for overseeing the entire spectrum of Rakuten Travel's development and operations. We primarily focus on the following key areas:

1. Globalization of Rakuten Travel to compete in global markets

2. Continuous improvement and strengthening Rakuten Travel's presence in Japan to increase customer satisfaction

We are seeking like-minded individuals who resonate with our purpose. Join us at Rakuten Travel, propose new forms of travel to people around the world, and strive to be pioneers shaping the future of travel. Your passion and creativity will breathe new life into the travel industry, filled with infinite possibilities. We eagerly await your application and potentially invite you to take on challenges in a diverse environment in collaboration with new peers.

In this position, you will be responsible for the development and operation of a services provided by Rakuten Travel Experiences . This is a challenging role aimed at leading the travel industry, where you are expected to deliver services using cutting-edge technology to meet the diverse travel needs of today.

Rakuten Travel is among the top online travel sites in Japan, requiring development skills to support its large-scale transaction processing. Particularly during the quarterly Rakuten Super Sale, you will be expected to handle over 150 reservations per second and manage search traffic exceeding 800 queries. The volume of this traffic is anticipated to increase in the future, making the development and operation of systems capable of handling high loads a critical responsibility.

Working at Rakuten Travel offers abundant opportunities for technical challenges and growth, leading to potential career advancement in an attractive position.


Position Details

In this position, you will be responsible for the development and operation of both the frontend and backend of Rakuten Travel's tourism experience services. Specifically, you will work on the design, implementation, testing, and deployment of systems in collaboration with team members, product managers, and QA engineers.

Additionally, you will be responsible for improving the functionality and performance of the frontend, monitoring, handling alerts, and responding to user inquiries. In this role, you are expected to function as a role model for the next generation of engineers and lead the growth of the organization by envisioning the future of the system.

This exciting position offers the opportunity to enhance your technical skills and achieve results through collaboration with the team. By contributing to the growth of the organization, you can advance your career and tackle various challenges.

Work Environment


JavaScript, ,




Google Cloud Platform


New Relic (APM)


Microsoft Teams, Confluence, JIRA, BitBucket, etc.

Mandatory Qualifications:

Technical Skills / Experiences

5+ years of experience in front-end web application development using:

  • JavaScript/Typescript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack, Yarn/npm
  • Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, BDD
  • RESTful API
  • Web security
  • Solid understanding of single page applications with server-side rendering (SSR), universal/isomorphic, JavaScript, SASS/SCSS, responsive design
  • Experienced in writing unit tests and integration tests in a large scale
  • Experienced with web performance improvement in client side and server side.
  • Strong UX and design sensibilities, with an attention to detail.
  • Soft Skills / Experiences

    ・Proactively involves others in order to solve problems or improve the situation (should not be shy or introvert).

    ・ Having inquiring mind for various issues/items.
    Having passion to learn continuously in a fast-moving environment.

    ・Must be able to communicate effectively with various stakeholders

    ・Willing to tackle new challenges and drive improvements, NOT satisfied with the status quo and routine work.

    ・A good team-worker. Promote team-working culture within and outside of the team.

    #engineer #frontendengineer #webdeveloper #jobsubcategory19 #commerce #organization01 #RakutenTravel #servicename11 #Java #programminglanguage02 #JavaScript #programminglanguage07 #React #TypeScript


    English (Overall - 3 - Advanced)

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