Tōkai Region Fujitsu

Role : Manufacturing Industry Account Executive

  • Job Category: Sales & Marketing
  • Role: Account Management
  • Job Description: Starting April 1, 2024, a new company called 'Effas Technologies Co., Ltd.,' a subsidiary of the company focusing on hardware business such as servers and storage, has been established to strengthen the infrastructure. There are no changes in the system or benefits as a Fujitsu Group. Details can be found below.

    You will be responsible for account sales at a manufacturing company in Aichi Prefecture. The role involves promoting total infrastructure services such as sales, construction, and deployment based on the know-how and solutions of the Fujitsu Group, supporting customers' businesses by promoting the provision of high-quality infrastructure services.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: As part of the Fujitsu Group, the company will specialize in ICT infrastructure services. As the environment and needs surrounding customers are constantly changing, you will drive proposals for solving customer challenges by staying updated on the latest technology and ICT trends.
  • Basic Qualifications: Required experience in the following areas:
    - Practical experience as a salesperson in the ICT field
    - Experience in proposal writing and presenting to customers
    - Business experience in infrastructure business
    - General IT skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Preferred Qualifications: Experience in the following areas is preferred:
    - Sales experience in ICT infrastructure
    - Sales experience in cloud, virtual infrastructure, and network negotiations
  • Language Requirements: English: -
  • Corporate Name: Effas Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Assigned Organization: Western Japan Business Headquarters
  • Notes: -
  • Location: Tokai & Hokuriku-Shinetsu Area, Nagoya Hub
  • Preferred Conditions:
    - Welcoming Criteria: Welcoming young professionals, welcoming those with no industry experience, welcoming those aiming for management positions.
    - Workplace Characteristics: Women actively participate.

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