Chiyoda EY

Job Title:
M&A Tax Advisory

An established firm specializing in M&A tax advisory services is seeking candidates to join their team in Tokyo and potentially abroad.

- Providing comprehensive tax advice to ensure the success of domestic and international M&A transactions.
- Collaborating with legal, accounting, and financial experts to support clients in their investment decisions.

Tokyo (Opportunities for overseas assignments available)

- Conducting tax due diligence for M&A targets to identify tax positions and risks.
- Offering tax structuring advice for transactions.
- Providing tax guidance for post-M&A integration.

Requirements and Qualifications
- Previous managerial experience in a top tax firm or business setting, including project management skills.
- Strong motivation to learn English.
- Leadership qualities to lead project teams.
- Experience in M&A tax services preferred.
- Proficiency in English, ideally TOEIC score of 700 or above.
- Curiosity and drive for excellence in service delivery.
- Logical thinking and effective communication skills.
- Proactive approach to decision-making and action.

- Interest in M&A tax services.
- 3+ years of experience in corporate tax or M&A services at a tax firm or business.
- Eagerness to learn English.
- M&A experience not required but beneficial.
- Proficiency in English, ideally TOEIC score of 700 or above.
- Logical thinking and effective communication skills.
- Curiosity and drive for excellence in service delivery.
- Ability to think independently and take initiative.
- Collaborative nature to work effectively within project teams.

- Interest in M&A tax services.
- Strong motivation to learn English.
- No specific experience necessary; familiarity with corporate tax preferred.
- Proficiency in English, ideally TOEIC score of 700 or above.
- Logical thinking and effective communication skills.
- Desire to develop expertise in M&A tax, proactive attitude towards growth.
- Ability to think independently and take initiative.
- Collaborative approach to working with project team members.

  • Chiyoda EY

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  • Chiyoda EY

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  • Chiyoda EY

    Business Tax Service ► Private Client Service · Staff/Senior/Manager/Senior Manager · サービス内容// Services: · オーナー系企業、富裕層、非上場会社のアドバイザーとして一貫したサポートを実施していただきます。 · サポートメニューには、事業承継、財産承継、株式評価、法人税・消費税・所得税・相続税・贈与税申告及びそのアドバイザリー、組織再編、M&A、株式公開、ファミリーオフィス、海外財産プランニング、社会貢献活動など多彩な検討項目が含まれるため、バリュエ ...

  • Chiyoda EY

    税務会計リスクアドバイザリー · Staff/Senior/Manager · サービス内容 / Services · 会計基準に規定される法人税及び法人税等に係る会計処理に関する監査およびアドバイザリー業務を主に担当するチームです。税務および会計基準が複雑化する中、会計と税務の両者に精通する高度な専門能力を有するメンバーが、クライアント個別のニーズに対応するため、税金引当計算や税務リスクの開示、さらに、関連するプロセスの構築に必要なアドバイスを提供しています。当チームでは、日本会計基準、米国会計基準、国際会計基準をカバーしており、国内外の大手多国 ...

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  • Chiyoda EY

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