Job Summary/職務概要**:
_Briefly state the main purpose and scope of the job._
Conduct activities to help medical professionals have the good experience of EnSite cases by providing technical support at facilities. Senior FCEs are responsible for facilities that require higher quality EnSite case support. An FCE Trainee strives for self-improvement.
Working under direct supervision, provides educational and technical support in response to field inquiries from physicians, health care professionals, patients, and field sales staff.
Identifies and routinely uses the most effective, and best business practices to execute processes.担当施設の当社製品に対する技術的サポートを通じて、医療関係者に当社製品の良い経験を実感してもらう活動を行う。Senior FCEは、より高い技術的サポートの質を求める施設を担当する。FCE Traineeは自己研鑽に努める。上司の指示、指導を受け、医師、ヘルスケア関係者、セールスからの担当領域の問い合わせに応えて、教育的、技術的サポートを提供する。最も効果的で、最適なプロセスを特定し、日常的に実行する。
Job Duties/職務内容**:
_List the significant/essential duties, tasks or responsibilities which employees in this position are required to perform._
- Focusing on the facilities in charge, provide technical support for cases with Abbott products (Senior FCE is responsible for facilities that demand higher quality).
- Trains Medical Engineers and dealers on our product usage.
- Acts as the technical interface between the medical community and the regional office (or, assigned region.).
- Provides technical support in response to field inquiries.
- Provides backup support to field sales force in the following areas:
- Support for difficult cases at facilities in the district
- Provides sales information to REP
- Regional training seminars
- Clinical studies/data collection
- Trouble shooting
- New product inservice training to physicians, nurses, device
- Assists in the distribution of written Technical/Clinical information on products and issues when a customer inquires.
- Assists Training and Education departments with educational seminars, and the preparation of educational materials.
- Assists Sales with product demonstrations to visiting physicians and sales personnel.
- Remains current on developments in field(s) of expertise, regulatory requirements, and a general knowledge of company and competitor products, markets, and objectives as well as industry trends.
- Respond promptly and accurately to customer complaints and product complaints in good faith.
- Support all Company initiatives as identified by management and in support of Quality Management Systems (QMS), Environmental Management Systems (EMS), and other regulatory requirements.
- Performs other related duties and responsibilities, on occasion, as assigned.
_Describe the minimum education and experience, including knowledge, skills and abilities, required to successfully perform the job. List any certificates, license, and/or registrations required
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