Minato Seastar Corporation

In order to focus more on B2C in the future, we are recruiting to strengthen our "overseas EC sales business".

As part of the EC sales team, you will be responsible for the following tasks.

  • Operating overseas EC sites (Amazon in the US and EU)
  • Launch of overseas EC sites (if you have experience in EC in countries other than the above or in Southeast Asia, we can also expand into those areas.)
  • Advertising, logistics strategy, operations, marketing
  • Export trading
  • Other tasks related to the sales department

You can use your own personality and knowledge to your advantage and play an active role with a lot of discretion.

In addition, we are also looking for English administrative staff to handle the expansion of our overseas business.

Please do the following sales tasks based on your aptitude:
1. [Legal] Compliance checks, contract confirmation, and contract conclusion in English

2. [General] Estimates and transactions for overseas insurance

3. [Intellectual property] Applications for overseas intellectual property rights (trademarks, design rights, patents, etc.)

  • Other tasks that can be performed in Japanese (purchasing, general affairs, human resources, accounting, finance, etc.) to the extent possible, according to your aptitude.