Data Science


Osaka JobFlurry-Bebee-JP
職種 技術(IT・ソフトウェア・ネットワーク) > その他(ソフトウェア・ネットワーク) 仕事内容 お仕事N

As a member of our banking portfolio management team, you will be responsible for front-line operations, including investment strategy planning, product selection, investment execution and post-investment management.

Gathering investment information through communication with domestic and foreign securities firms. Negotiations and documentation of the terms and conditions of the investment strategy with the management company.

Conducting Zoom and other interviews with operators Investment approval and implementation Post-investment management and monitoring reports Revenue management and reporting.

Examples of investment products Overseas private equity funds overseas infrastructure funds CLOs US mortgage-backed securities listed equities domestic and foreign equity fund listed REITs private REITs multi-asset funds etc.

Company insurance Retirement allowance (company pension) scheme Employee property deposit system Shareholding system Moving allowance support system Commuting allowance Housing allowance Flexible working hours Remote working is possible in some cases.

Maternity leave Maternity and nursing care leave Dormitory for single employees and company housing This is a recruitment job~. I am a contractor for this company from day one. Introduce you through Business Refine. We will also prepare your CV, give you interview advice and attend the interview. Our Business Refine is a recruitment agency. Our dedicated recruiters will assist you in your job search.

About applying for a job In addition to registration and interviews in person, We also offer telephone and web interviews.

In the event of a telephone or web interview, If you would like to make an appointment for a telephone or web interview, our representative will contact you at the time of booking.

Business Refine C Telephone number:


  • In case the toll-free number is not available, Please use 募集背景 BR333333BR 雇用形態 職業紹介 給与
600万円 800万円 Annual income of JPY 6-8 million. Determined in consi deration of age and experience.


Yes Salary increase:
Yes (once a year) アピールポイント

Leading regional b anks Initiatives tha t customers trust, s uch as regional deve lopment and business matching.

Recruited departmen ts are other regiona l banks and megabank s, Many mid-career h ires come from other regional banks, meg abanks and operating companies, There is an atmosphere in wh ich mid-career recru its can easily fit i n.

We are looking for an experienced speci alist to join our te am. We are looking f or a specialist to j oin our team. お仕事N

Experience in all o r any of the followi ng data analysis tas ks. Those with a strong interest in sustain ability. Experience working as a data scientist. Basic knowledge of statistics and machi ne learning. Experience in data analysis using Pytho n, R, SQL and SAS. In addition to the a bove Experience with Wor d, Excel and PowerPo int required.

Experience working for a consulting fir m. knowledge of corpo rate finance and fin ancial services. #BR333333BR
  • Data Science


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    職種 技術(IT・ソフトウェア・ネットワーク) > その他(ソフトウェア・ネットワーク) 仕事内容 お仕事N · As a member of our banking portfolio management team, you will be responsible for front-line operations, including investment strategy planning, product selection, investment execution and post-investment management. · Gat ...

  • Data Science


    Osaka JobFlurry-Bebee-JP

    職種 技術(IT・ソフトウェア・ネットワーク) > その他(ソフトウェア・ネットワーク) 仕事内容 お仕事N · As a member of our banking portfolio management team, you will be responsible for front-line operations, including investment strategy planning, product selection, investment execution and post-investment management. · Gat ...

  • Osaka 株式会社PKSHA Technology

    「エンジニアリングマネージャー」エンタープライズ向けAI SaaSプロダクトのエンジニアチームを束ねるEMを募集「未来のソフトウェアを形にする」上場AIベンチャーで次のキャリアを。 仕事内容: エンジニアマネージャーとして各領域専門の機械学習エンジニアとチームを組み、ソフトウェアエンジニアリングで解決できる課題を解決していただきます。 「お任せする業務内容」 エンジニアリング組織のアウトプット最大化に向けた仕組みづくりの設計と実行 法人向けに提供している既存対話エンジンサービス開発のマネジメント 機械学習モデルをコアとした新アプリケーション開発のマネジメ ...