IT・インターネット>ソフトウエア 会員属性などに応じ、当該求人をビズリーチ上で閲覧された際に内容が異なる場合があります TEAM Creating high-quality automated driving systems or advanced driver assistance systems is both challenging and urgent. It's crucial to meticulously design software architecture, development processes, environments, and testing methodologies to meet this goal.
Our team's mission is to establish and strengthen quality assurance, including auditing methods and analysis of measured data for development projects, and to ensure that development activities among teams are properly executed and result in high quality outputs.
We believe that active involvement and effective communication coupled with expertise in processes, tools, and development management are essential to drive these efforts.
WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR We are looking for outstanding Senior Software Quality Assessor Engineer to develop a mechanism ensuring the safety and quality of our software products.
You will collaborate with diverse teams including system design, architecture, development, testing, project management, and other support teams. We seek individuals who can adapt to derive solutions across teams, applying experience in quality management for software. Building relationships with team members and stakeholders is essential.You will report to the Head of Global Audit & Assessment, and this role is hybrid you will work in the office 3 days per week.
Conduct regular audits on the engineering projects & products to ensure compliance with Woven By Toyota's defined software development processes.
This will include identifying areas of non-compliance or improvement, and recommending corrective actions. Verify that all necessary documentation for the engineering product is available and up-to-date. This includes requirements documents, design documents, test plans, test results, etc.Verify that the software meets all specified requirements and that all requirements have been properly documented and traceable throughout the development lifecycle.
Review the software design and code to ensure that it is robust, efficient, and maintainable. You will verify that coding standards have been followed and that the design correctly implements the requirements.Review the test plans and results to ensure that all aspects of the software have been thoroughly tested, including functionality, performance, safety and security.
You will make sure that any defects have been properly documented and addressed. Review the quality assurance processes to ensure that they are robust and effective. This includes code reviews, testing procedures, and defect tracking.Prepare and present audit reports to management, detailing the results of your audits, including any identified issues and your recommendations for corrective actions.
Collaborate with various stakeholders, including project managers, software developers, and customers, to ensure Woven By Toyota's software quality objectives are met.
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software quality audits by using state-of-the-art automation tools.5 years of experience in the development of automotive software for mass production vehicles in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 company Experience building supporting tool for quality assurance and establish it efficiently Professional level language proficiency in Japanese and English
Experience in quality assurance activities for mass production Knowledge of ISO standards related to quality (e.g.
IATF 16949, ISO26262, ISO21434) Knowledge of software processes such as Automotive-SPICE Experience in software audit according to company standards Work experience related to software quality metrics (e.g.
Cyclomatic complexity) Experience in Requirement management tools like DOORS, Jama, Integrity and Polarion Work experience of Agile/scrum development by using Jira/Confluence 産休・育休取得実績あり 年間休日120日以上 教育・研修制度充実 社内公用語が英語 従業員数1000人以上 女性管理職実績あり 日系グローバル企業 フレックスタイム マネジメント業務なし 完全土日休み リモートワーク可-
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