UOBEI Shin-Okubo Store
UOBEI Shin-Okubo Store
Would you like to work at a sushi restaurant with us?
アルバイト パート
時給 1,220円~1,575円
Hourly wage of 1220 yen to 1575 yen.
High school student hourly wage of 1120 yen to 1170 yen.
東京都新宿区3rd Floor, Sun Building, 2-4-1 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku, Tokyo
Various people from different countries are working here.
It's easy to work here.
- Everyone is kind and helpful.
- You can get discounted meal tickets.
- You can work while attending school.
Job description
- Seating guests
- Taking orders
- Serving dishes
- Cleaning up
- Handling payments, and more
学生活躍中 主婦・主夫活躍中 未経験歓迎 外国人活躍中 曜日・時間が選べる 交通費支給 社割制度あり 制服貸与あり フリーター活躍中 留学生活躍中
Transportation allowance available.
JR山手線 新大久保駅
JR中央・総武線 大久保駅
JR山手線 新宿駅
JR Yamanote Line, Shin-Okubo Station, 1-minute walk
JR Chuo-Sobu Line, Okubo Station, 4-minute walk
JR Yamanote Line, Shinjuku Station, 7-minute walk
Working hours
9:00 AM to 11:00 PM
You can work 2 days or more per week for at least 4 hours per day.
Please consult with us.
交替制 シフト制
- Please submit your shifts every two weeks.
- The submission process is easy through the app.
- No prior experience is required.
- Basic conversational Japanese is sufficient.
- Salary increase system available
- Employee discount system available
- Uniforms provided (some items available for purchase)
- Hourly wage increases by 50 yen on Sundays, holidays, and other specific dates
Specific dates:
January 1st to 3rd, August 12th to 15th, December 24th, 25th, and 31st.
Please click the "WEB Application" button to apply.
It is available 24 hours a day.
Alternatively, please call
We are available on weekends as well.
Please call between 11:00 and 21:30.
Please bring your residence card to the interview.
UOBEI Shin-Okubo Store
Store manager
東京都新宿区3rd Floor, Sun Building, 2-4-1 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
JR山手線 新大久保駅
JR中央・総武線 大久保駅
JR山手線 新宿駅
JR Yamanote Line, Shin-Okubo Station, 1-minute walk
JR Chuo-Sobu Line, Okubo Station, 4-minute walk
JR Yamanote Line, Shinjuku Station, 7-minute walk
飲食 ホールスタッフ
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